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"Jungkookie" he squeezed his eyes shut, while taegiseok were busy rolling their eyes, signing jimin that she was seulgi

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"Jungkookie" he squeezed his eyes shut, while taegiseok were busy rolling their eyes, signing jimin that she was seulgi.

"Oops sorry" she giggled "I'm not supposed to call you that anymore"

"Good that you know" he said under his breath.

"Excuse me? I didn't heard that."

"I said i saw your boyfriend earlier" he said while forcing himself to turn and face her.

"Oh really? Excellent. Now, where is the girl?" She glanced at jimin, who was looking at the glass in his hand, "or the boy?"

Jungkook smirked slightly at that. Seems like she remembers i'm bi. He looked back expecting to see four boys, but instead it was just jimin.

"Well," he grabbed jimin's hand, signing him to come next to them. "This is my boyfriend, jimin"

"Nice to meet you ma'am" he said with a warm smile, that jungkook couldn't help but smile seeing that.

"M-ma'am?!" Seulgi looks offended and shocked. Good job jimin. Jungkook laughed at seulgi in his mind.

"I'm not that old, young man" jimin stays silence for a sec.

"Ahh i see" he says holding back his laughter. Seulgi curses herself for using that last words.

"Oh see they are starting the games already, Come on you were already late so at least join now" seulgi walkes to a crowd in the center of the house on couches, they can see they other three friends there too.

"Come on lets go"

"Wait" jimin stops jungkook.

"How should i act?"

"What?" Jungkook asks confused.

"I mean... I'm acting as your boyfriend. What is your boyfriend supposed to act like?"

Jungkook chuckles at jimin's face. He looks cute when he frowns.

"Doesn't matter really, just be yourself"

"Umm okay....and what about her?"

"Who? Seulgi?"

"Yeah, should i be nice? Or ignore her?"

"To be honest idk, that's up to you" jungkook lookes at her sitting on Henry's lap. "Well i don't like her. Not as a girlfriend nor as a friend."

"Ok got it let's go" jimin said, he noticed that jungkook was really hurt about the fact that she cheated.

"They finally came, don't worry we just started the first game" Jungkook smiled and nodded his head to one of his old friends he knew while he was dating seulgi.

They played tons of different games then got a break all going distance Ways to either drink or dance or even make out. After a while some of the people left already now it was just their group of old friends so they gathered again for the last game.

"Spin it" Henry said, trying to avoid the two who joined last. They spoon the bottle and it stopped on tae.

"Truth our dare?"


"Ooo okay then stand up and hug the most handsome boy in this crowd."

Taehyung look looked at hoseok and yoongi then stood up without hesitating making his way towards jimin and jungkook.

"Let me see" he put one of his fingers under his chin.
"Ugh it wasn't hard to choose before, i was sure it's jungkook but now..." Everyone laughed at that.

"Sorry bro" tae said hugging jimin. Everyone started acting goofy and clapping while jungkook just rolled his eyes and laughed.

"Okay okay next one" seulgi said slightly annoyed about the fact that everyone were acting friendly with jimin.

"Oh it's Seulgi's turn, interesting. Truth or dare?"

"Let's just start with truth."

Jungkook grabbed his drink sipping from it, not paying much attention.

"What was the best thing about dating jungkook?" One of the girls asked. Jungkook almost choked on his drink.

Seulgi smiled "well..."

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