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After the hot session in Jungkook's office they went to Jungkook's house to shower and change, jimin said he would never go home like that, looking like a mess

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After the hot session in Jungkook's office they went to Jungkook's house to shower and change, jimin said he would never go home like that, looking like a mess. He was sure his mother would figure what they did by just one glance at him.

So after they changed, jimin asked jungkook to ride him home. Jimin almost begged jungkook to stay for lunch and jungkook could never say no to those puppy eyes.

During lunch it was obvious that Mrs park knew about jungkook being a CEO. Jungkook and mr park talked about business a little, untill jimin complained that he's bored so they changed subject.

Jungkook could see that they're trying to make it up to jimin. They were guilty and sorry for forcing nam gil to him, and wanted him to be happy. Specially Mrs park, most of the times her head was low trying not to get involved in the conversation.

jungkook saw that, she was not a bad woman, that's why jungkook felt sorry for her. So he tried to talk to her, asking her questions every single time he finds a chance. That didn't go unnoticed by the others, and they felt grateful. Specially Mrs park, that made them closer.


Jimin spent the rest of the week with his family, before they went back to busan. Jungkook had a meeting and couldn't accompany them, but he didn't forget to call them saying goodbye, which jimin was happy that he did. Because that made his parents even more impressed.

Last night jungkook told jimin that he's gonna invite all of their friends to his house to have a party, so they could get closer with jimin. It was a few months they started officially dating but exept for tae and sometimes jin, who he saw whenever he went to Jungkook's company, he hasn't ACTUALLY talked with others. Jimin felt a little nervous, he remembered about Jungkook's friends at seulgi's birthday party. That was not a very nice first impression.

He picked his dress thoughtfully. He told jungkook that he'll go there himself so jungkook wouldn't have to leave his own party.

 He told jungkook that he'll go there himself so jungkook wouldn't have to leave his own party

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He stood behind the door kind of nervous to meet Jungkook's friends.The door finally opened revealing his boyfriend. just by looking at his smile and receiving a hug, all of jimin's worries disappeared.

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