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Jimin was shocked when he felt a pair of soft lips on his own

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Jimin was shocked when he felt a pair of soft lips on his own. Jungkook cut his words by kissing him. At first he just stared at the closed door in front of him, but then He couldn't help but kiss back.

"Jimin" jungkook was about to pull away but jimin whined and pulled him closer by his collar.

Aish this kid. Your parents are next room, if you don't stop right now istg..

His thoughts were interrupted when jimin finally pulled away. jimin was sitting on the bed and jungkook was kneeling in front of him.

"I-I'm sorry" jimin said feeling shy, "look i understand if you don't wanna be friends with benefits anymore, shit i even doubt you wanna stay friends after this. And the kiss i understands you just wanted to shut me up, don't worry word I'll just forget about it." "Ah, you talk so much" He sighed rubbing his eyes.

"Jimin," jungkook sat next to him on the bed "i-i don't believe in love anymore, it made me suffer, not just once." Jimin remembered when jungkook told him about the boy who broke his heart and made fun of him in front of everyone, after taking his virginity when he was still in high school.

"But I'm pretty sure that i can't live without you," jimin was shocked "i like you jimin, a lot. I tried to deny it but i can't. I'm starting to feel love again, Will you help me to believe in love again?"

"W-what do y-you mean?" He blushed as jungkook started caressing his cheek.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"


The next morning jimin's parents could feel something different about jimin, he looked happy. Like.... SO happy. And according to yesterday's events It was weird.

"Where is jungkook?" Though mrs park herself told jungkook to bring jimin to his room, she was not happy about the fact that they were together in the room the whole night.

Jimin almost choked as he heard Jungkook's name, he blushed madly remembering last night. How he jumped out of happiness and attacked Jungkook's lips after saying yes, basically embarrassing himself.

"Umm, jungkook left last night."

"What?" Mr park said, he was as surprised as his wife.

"I told him it's late but he didn't listen to me, saying it's not-so-nice to stay with me while my parents are next door." He murmured the last part, almost whining.

Jimin's parents couldn't help but to think that, that was so nice of him. Yesterday they saw a different side of jungkook. At first he was polite but almost like a playful, cocky and carefree boy. But yesterday he was mature, thoughtful and gentleman.

"Jimin do you know where does he work?" Jimin was taken aback by his dad's question. "He told you that he worked in a comp-"

"No i mean the address or the name of the comapany."

"No i don't know. I never went there actually." Jimin was nervous.

"I wonder what is his position, maybe a secretary?"

"Or maybe... manager? He was talking about a contract."

Jimin was confused, he had no idea what are they talking about. Since he was not paying any attention yesterday. His thoughts were stopped by his dad's voice.

"Ask him now and get ready, since you never went there before you are coming with me."

"Ask what? W-where?"

"the company your boyfriend works in"

Well Shit, I'm fucked up.

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