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"Give it back!"

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"Give it back!"

"Why? What do you have in your phone that you're this scared?" He gasped "do you have nudes?" He then chuckled.

"Yah! Shut up and give that damn phone back." Jungkook ignored jimin and opened his lock, which was his birthday, and immediately went to gallery.

"Don't you dare jeon jungko-"

"HOLY SHIT!" There were photos of jimin's childhood, photos of him and his friends including jungkook, and even some photos of him cross dressing. All in different folders.

"Omg this is you?? It's so cute." Jimin shut his eyes in shame thinking about the cross dressing folder, wait cute? he opened his eyes and saw jungkook was zooming on one of his childhood pictures. He sighed in relive.

That was when both of their eyes widened. There was also a folder of jungkook. photos of jungkook, sleeping, at the cafe, and things like that. They all were taken secretly. Jungkook smirked.


"Don't even start" jimin interrupted him ".... please " he looked down. Jungkook felt his heart beating a little faster. He put his finger under jimin's chin and makes him look at him in the eyes.

"Hey, it's fine. I was just teasing you, why are you so shy suddenly?" Jimin wanted to say, because i have lots of fucking photos of you which i took secretly and it's embarrassing, but before he could jungkook interrupted.

"If that will make you feel better, i have some photos of you as well" jungkook said winking. Jimin widened his eyes "w-what?" Jungkook just shrugged and went to the couch.

"Yes i do have. Now forget about that and come here" he said patting the seat next to him.

"you wanna cuddle?"


"Ok" jimin said going to him and sitting on jungkook's lap. Jungkook let out a chuckle and wrapped his arms around jimin holding him tightly.


It was about four month that they were friends with benefits. none of them seemed to want this to end, but jimin was aware of the feelings he was getting for jungkook.

He once talked to him about wanting a girlfriend or boyfriend, but he just said that he doesn't want to be fooled again.

The hell does that mean?

Eventhough he was not into dating, jimin promised himself that he won't give up. If he fell in love, he will never give up. He just had to make sure this feelings were love.

Jungkook on the other side was fighting with his feelings. The butterflies on his stomach he felt whenever he was around jimin, the way he could calm him just by taking his hand or hugging him, the way his heart beats faster when he kisses him. He didn't want to feel that, none of that. He wasn't still completely over seulgi.

No he was not still in love with her. but the fact that she cheated on him with someone, who he trusted and would ask to take care of his gf when he wasn't around, that hurts. So Fucking bad. So he ignored his feelings, or at least tried to.

Friends with benefitsWhere stories live. Discover now