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"Are you really his boyfriend?" Seulgi asked not giving anyone a chance

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"Are you really his boyfriend?" Seulgi asked not giving anyone a chance.

"Yes" he said without hesitation.

"Huh, really? Do you even know him or you're some stranger from club?"

"What? Ofc i know him, because sadly for you i AM his boyfriend."

"Do you know his sister's name?"

"He does not have a sister."

"How about his mother's real name? He doesn't tell that to ANYONE"

"Yes i do know, and i also know that even you don't know, so I'm definitely not gonna tell YOU, his ex so.... sorry hun" he said smirking, he wasn't lying jungkook actually told him. Once they were hanging out together and Jungkook's mom called him so they talked about her a little. Though he doesn't know why SHE doesn't know.

"W-what? Huh, who the hell do you think you are?"
She said dumbfounded, now standing up and walking towards jimin.

Jimin grabbed jungkook's hand for support without anyone noticing, he didn't want to make a scene in front of everyone. jungkook looked at him when he felt him squeezing his hand before letting go and standing up as well. That's enough.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? It's your birthday lets just stop."

"Huh, you are sorry? Ofc you are. You know what? I regret inviting you here, a random pathetic boy from club. The fact that he fucks you doesn't mean you're dating? You heard me?"

Jungkook felt his blood boiling. What the hell is she saying? He was about to get up but was stopped by jimin's voice.

"So you really wanna do this, huh? Ok, you started this. Look here ma'am, miss or whatever the hell you are, stop being a bitch. Stick with your boyfriend and leave mine alone. Who do YOU think you are to talk to me like that? I bet not even the half of this people here knows what you REALLY did to him."

Everyone were quite and confused. Seulgi widened her eyes, proving jimin's words. None of them really knew that she cheated, they all thought they broke up friendly and then she started dating Henry.

"What did you do to him that we don't know?"

Jimin was feeling guilty a little bit. Not for seulgi for sure. But for jungkook, what if he didn't want anyone to know about this? Suddenly he heard her laughing.

"What the fuck are you talking about? I didn't do anything wrong to him."

"WTF, you really think cheating is not wrong?" Tae blurted out and everyone gasped.

"You cheated on him for two fucking month" even yoongi lost it at this point.

"Are you not ashamed just a little bit? And you dare to talk to jimin like that?"

"He did nothing wrong, you are the slut here." Tae said continuing hobi's words.

"No way"
"Y-you cheated?"
Everyone were whispering in shock.

Finally, jungkook stood up. "Jungkookie, i told you i'm sorry. I really didn't mean to cheat on you. I loved you." Well it's obvious now why your boyfriend even doubted you two after a whole year, YOU are the one who didn't moved on. Jimin thought

"Do you? Still?" Jimin asked between her words. "YES, YES I DO SO NOW SHUT UP." She blurted out not knowing what she just said untill she heard another round of gasp and whispers.

"H-Henry. No Henry wait, wai-" but he left, without even looking back. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT, YOU SON OF A-" she attached him.

As she was about to slap him, a hand stopped her. Jimin opened his eyes and saw jungkook between them.

"Don't you dare touch him"

"But it's all his-"

"You didn't hear me? Don't you dare touch MY BOYFRIEND" he said, gritting his teeth.

He then let go of her hand and grabbed jimin's. "It's better if we leave now. I'll call you later guys" he told to his friends and they all nodded. Then the two boy left.

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