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Jimin's mouth were wide open as his jaw dropped, what the hell?? and Mr park's eyes widened

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Jimin's mouth were wide open as his jaw dropped, what the hell?? and Mr park's eyes widened. This makes sense to how he acted like that yesterday, but the day before that...

Everyone scattered after a few seconds. Jimin was about to walk to jungkook, but was stopped by his dad. Mr park wanted to talk with the boy too, but something caught his eyes. Something in the hands of the boy next to him.

"Are those my company's card and project?" Jimin looked his way and saw that it WAS. Jungkook was talking to a tall man with dimples, who handed him the project.

They were walking towards the elevator, and Jimin's father followed them his eyes still on his business card, ignoring jimin's complains. "The lee company is fine but i personally think that the park company is the best choice, they are not that big here in seoul. But they are really popular in busan and some other cities, and i saw their works, this is their last and one of their best works check this."

Another man with broad shoulders who just joined them continued "it's important jungkook don't ignore us, you decided to cancel the contract with kim nam gil. Now we need another designing company, as soon as possible."

Mr park warned jimin who was about to talk to be quiet

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Mr park warned jimin who was about to talk to be quiet. "I know i know, it's just- i have to talk with jimin first."

"Jimin?" Jin asked confused.

" it's his father's company," namjoon explained and saw Jin nodding as he remembered him mentioning it before "but why?"

"I don't want them to feel uncomfortable, or think that I'm being offensive or something. They Are still not okay with our relationship and they don't even know I'm a CEO yet. Jimin is on his way right now, Keep this two companies in mind," he pointed at two of the business cards in Namjoon's hands "and I'll inform you as soon as i talked with jimin first."

Jimin smiled to himself as he felt his dad being speechless by the younger's words. "Are you done spying on my boyfriend now? Was that enough?" Mr park nodded and looked away. As hard as he tried, he couldn't find anything bad to make jimin stay away from him.

And don't get it wrong he was happy about that. It's just that now he realized how dumb he was for thinking his shitty 'friend' was better than him, and that he was literally spying on the poor boy. He felt embarrassed.

"Jungkook-ah." Jimin called and jungkook turned around almost immediately.

"Jimin" He said smiling nervously, as jimin ran to him. "Hey, did you wait long?" He smiled "Couldn't you tell me before? I was nearly passing out on the way here." He whispered as he punched Jungkook's chest lightly.

Jungkook just chuckled and murmured a 'sorry' and 'I'll be right back' before walking to Mr park greeting him politely. Meanwhile jimin was busy talking to his two new to-be-friends and introducing himself, he has heard about them before from jungkook and Taehyung.

Jungkook and Mr park approached them shortly after "jimin I'm gonna leave now, are you coming with me or you gonna stay here?"

"Umm..can i stay?" He asked and looked at jungkook like a puppy. Jungkook chuckled "Of course you can."

Mr park said goodbye to everyone and left. Before Namjoon could follow jin and leave the couple alone, jungkook grabbed his arm. "Make a contract with the park company hyung." Namjoon nodded without asking any question.

Jungkook wanted to ask Mr park about it but as soon as jungkook mentioned it he said that he heard their words and he's sorry about nam gil, his so called 'friend'. Then jungkook eventually convinced him to accept the offer.

He was smiling happily but it soon faded as he turned and faced a mad mochi, that was glaring at him. He gulped.

Of course he's gonna act nice in front of others

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Of course he's gonna act nice in front of others. Now you are dead jeon jungkook.

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