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Jimin was panicking, he called jungkook and he just said some company's name and told him to take his dad there

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Jimin was panicking, he called jungkook and he just said some company's name and told him to take his dad there. "Are you out of your mind? Where is that?"

"Jimin do you trust me?"


"Do you?!"

"Yes, yes i do"

"Then just do as i said, I'll be there in 15"

And just like that he ended the call. His mother came into the room and jimin closed his phone immediately.

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, yes... i am"

"Good now go your dad is waiting for you." Mrs park said looking down, not making any eye contact with his son.


Stop fucking stuttering. Ugh.


Jimin was reviewing all the excuses he could make for lying. Jeon jungkook what do you have in your mind? Istg i'm gonna kill you if you just stand at the front door and say hi, like an idiot.

He felt like crying not knowing how his dad will react. "It's right here, stop the car." His dad told him and he parked in front of the huge company in front of him. Great, so believable. Good job jeon!

They walked in and jimin was mesmerized by the view that he forgot to stop his dad from going to the secretary. As soon as he heard his dad's voice he rushed to him.

"Excuse me do you perhaps know jeon jungkook? I'd be glad if i could talk to him."

"Did you have an appointment?"

"Umm..No? Do we need one?" The Secretary looked at him weirdly and at the other side of the hall.

"He's in the meeting room talking with some sponsors, who are you sir?" But before he could answer they heard loud voices.

"Is he fucking dumb? Kim nam gil is one of our biggest partners, we can't cancel the contract just like that. That's a lot of damage." Jimin and his dad turned around hearing the familiar name.

"They are making a scene again." They heard the secretary sighing. "Don't shout..." the boy stopped shouting so they couldn't hear what is he saying.

Jimin's eyes widened as he saw his father approaching the duo down the hall next to the meeting room and the elevator.

"Dad, wait. Where are you going? It's none of our business"

He followed after trying to stop him, even though he himself was curious how they knew nam gil. The voices became clear again.

"What the hell? I'm not crazy, I'm not doing this. I'll call Nam gil-ssi and apologize."

"It's not your company to decide." Jimin's heart stopped at the familiar voice as he looked that way. He looks so handsome. Everyone turned towards the meeting room's door, seeing THE jeon jungkook approaching them.

 Everyone turned towards the meeting room's door, seeing THE jeon jungkook approaching them

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"You know it's not good to talk about your boss like that, right?." He's still kinda cocky even with this look, mr park thought.

"S-sir, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be rude, i just-"

"When i said the contrast will be dissolved, it has to be done. Understand?" He said frowning.

"Can He do that? Is he in the place to decide that?" Jimin's father asked the person next to him, this gained jimin's attention.

"Of course he can."

"Why?" This time Jimin asked and looked at the tall man with broad shoulder next to his dad, who smiled before saying

"Why?"  This time Jimin asked and looked at the tall man with broad shoulder next to his dad, who smiled before saying

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"Because He is jeon jungkook, the CEO of this company. Didn't you know that sir?"

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