Chapter 12:running from agents

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Amy's pov
her face then changed,she got up and grabbed her stuff."I must go now,Morpheus get her out of here."she said to Morpheus,he nodded and grabbed my arm.i immediately got up,"we'll see each other soon again Amy."Sati said.she then walked off,"we have to go:now."Morpheus commanded.


The hair on the back of my neck rose in fear as I turned around and saw agent smith,I suddenly had a horrible ptsd flashback about him.i widened my eyes in fear,Morpheus grabbed my wrist and we began to run.we got in the car with Kid and the driver,"go!"Morpheus commanded to the driver.he nodded and hit the gas petal,meanwhile Kid held me as I was shaking in his arms."h-he...stabbed me...w-with his arm..."I was stuttering,"he didn't do that to you."Kid said worryingly.i looked at him,"but he did K-Kid."my voice suddenly sounded like Neo's,it then changed back to normal.Kid was more shocked than me,what happened to me just now?the car then crashed into a stop sign,the driver instantly died.

Kid helped me and Morpheus out of the wrecked car,"Kid get her out of here!"Morpheus commanded."But Morpheus I cant leave without you!"Kid protested,agent smith then appeared."Go!"Morpheus yelled,Kid gulped and nodded."MORPHEUS NO!"I screamed as Kid grabbed my arm,we began to run towards the abandoned building."Where's Morpheus?"some crew members asked Kid,"he's fighting agent smith!"i said before Kid could even open his mouth.the crew members widened their eyes and then ran off,they're probably going to help Morpheus.Kid and I ran up the stairs as fast as we could,a phone began to ring.

Kid picked it up and handed it me,i held it.he nodded,I put the phone on my ear.I then opened my eyes and saw I was back on the ship,Link unplugged me.he then unplugged Kid,who I immediately hugged.after unplugging Niobe we saw Morpheus and a couple other crew members body shake,I was terrified."m-maybe they can beat him."I tried to sound hopeful,but it only got worse from there.Morpheus' body shook the most,he spit blood out of his mouth.the other crew members were already dead but Morpheus was still fighting,then...his heart monitor went flat...Morpheus was dead.

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