- Only You -

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A loud sounds of table broken rang out from inside the conference room at Garnet Palace. The one who did it was certainly the Emperor, Claude banged on the table in anger after hearing the refusal of several nobles.

"Listen! I am The Emperor! I have the right to choose my Queen! Everything is written in the law. Nobody can control who the imperial family will marry with!"

He already knew the nobles would object to his desire to marry Diana, but they really had no right to control his private life. Today's announcement is just a formality. Nothing could stop the Emperor from marrying his lover.

"Sire, please reconsider. There are still many princesses from the neighboring Kingdom that you can choose from or the princesses of the nobles who have served you all this time. Marrying Lady Diana who is only a dancer will bring no profit to the Obelia Empire." Baron Calzava seemed to have enough guts to express his contempt for the Emperor's lover.

'Is he crazy?'

"Stop stupid!"

"I'll close my eyes."

The other nobles who heard Baron Calzava's insolent words started breaking out in cold sweat. Some have even lowered their heads. They already knew what would happen to the stupid noble who had just been awarded the title Baron. Ah his life as a noble was really short.

"ARRRGHH!" Baron Calzava screamed hysterically after his body lifted from the chair. His neck felt as if he was being choked by an invisible hand. The bones in his wrists and feet made a painful sound. His breath was short after the oxygen supply to his lungs was drastically reduced. His face began to turn blue, followed by white foam flowing from side of his lips.

Soon he fell to the floor. His mouth didn't move anymore and the voice that annoyed Claude was no longer can be heard. The room was silent. All the nobles were terrified after seeing what the Emperor had done. Baron Calzava fainted until he looked like a dead person with several broken bones all over his body.

"You see what will happen if you look down on my beloved. Don't let me hear Diana's name come out of your dirty mouths. Forget about the bitch you are going to offer me. Their stupid greed would destroy Obelia."

Claude's staring coldly at the nobles who attended the conference that afternoon. Until his eyes met those of Duke Alpheus, who had only been paying attention to the situation. The accomplished sycophant was not usually silent during conferences.

"If you guys forget I'll tell one of the bitches who made it into the palace. Penelope. You're close to her, right Duke Alpheus?" Claude said the name of his ex-fiancé in a sarcastic tone. "How's she doing? Is she still alive? She just ran away when my brother breathed his last on my shoulder. Exactly like a snake woman."

Claude snorted at the behavior of his ex-fiancé. The snake woman blatantly seducing his brother after realizing that Claude could not possibly make her a Queen. The image of Penelope lying next to Anastacius really disgusted him. Claude doesn't understand how he could have liked Penelope when he was a teenager. Her face was ordinary compared to her current lover, even more like a witch in a fairy tale. Her smile was insincere, the bright red lipstick she had worn since she was a teenager made Claude think of his stepmother.

"Penelope is dead, sire." Duke Alpheus replied with a fake sad face. There was no way he could feel sad about the death of his distant cousin, he himself knew Penelope's evil nature.

"Oh really? Sorry, but I really don't want to share my condolences." Claude was not surprised at all by the sad news he had just heard. Penelope's state when he last saw her was terrible. Thin face, blue eye bags. Her body seemed to be being slowly eaten by an invisible dark force.

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