- Meet The Girl -

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"Jennette, you have to approach a lot of people there. Show your good manner and let them know how smart you are." Rosalia reminded her niece for the umpteenth time.

"No! I don't want to, Auntie." The shy girl continued to refuse her aunt's orders. She was afraid to meet new people. "Can I not go and stay in the mansion with Ezekiel?"

"Ezekiel will also go to the palace. He was also invited to come to that child's birthday party." said Rosalia slightly curtly. She bravely labeled an Emperor's daughter as 'that child'. "You have to go there, Jennette." She said firmly.

Jennette who heard that Ezekiel was going to the palace, had no other choice but to follow her aunt's orders. With slow steps she followed one of the Alpheus family servants into the dressing room. Tears seemed to pool slightly at the corners of her eyes.

"I don't think Jennette is ready to meet the Emperor and his family, Rosalia. That girl won't be able to socialize with her timid and shy personality." Hilda, wife of Duke Alpheus commented.

Rosalia opened the fan in her hand then gave a smirk. "In any case we should try to take her to the palace so she can see her father and his family."

"Then after that? Do you want to make Jennette sad after seeing them?
Apart from her eyes, she did not look like His Majesty at all. People would only raise their eyebrows to see Jennette roaming around the Emperor's family. "

"She looks like her father, Hilda! She is Emperor Claude's first daughter!"

Hilda did not understand the thoughts of Rosalia and her husband. After seeing the Emperor's happy family, she would not be surprised if Jennette would end up being banished or worse, would be killed. So pitiful.

Are wealth and power so important to them that they can sacrifice Jennette's happiness? Hilda didn't understand at all.

"The Empress must see Jennette. She must see how similar Jennette is to Penelope. After that she will question His Majesty relationship with my sister." said Rosalia with her terrible laugh.

Hilda sighed. If she could, she wouldn't want to join the snake woman's rotten plan.


"Jennette, you don't need to be afraid. There will be lots of friends your age. Then there will be lots of cakes and chocolates that you can take as much as you like." Ezekiel tries to cheer up Jennette who was still showing gloomy face. "Besides, I will take care of you. No bad person will dare to hurt you there." Ezekiel said confidently as he struck his chest, like a brave knight who would protect the princess.

Jennette who heard Ezekiel's words began to feel calmer. 'That's right, there's nothing to be afraid of if Ezekiel by my side.' she thought.

"Smile, Jennette. I'm sure it will be really fun there." Ezekiel continued cheerfully. "I heard that the Princess is a very sociable and friendly child. All the girls admire Princess Athanasia. Well, even though I have never met her myself."

"Princess .." Jennette muttered. "I want to meet her .. But .."

She is indeed your sister, Jennette. But remember, your position will always be above her. You should be the one called Crown Princess. You are a child born to an honorable noble lady, unlike that child.

Her aunt's words rang in her head. Jennette knew that her aunt didn't like Princess Athanasia. Her aunt almost even threw away Jennette's Princess Athanasia doll. If it weren't for Ezekiel who secretly took it back, Jennette's beloved doll would have burned down.

"Would the princess be happy to see me? Can we be friends?" Jennette asked the smiling boy beside her.

"Of course! Everyone in Obelia knows that Princess Athanasia is very kind like her mother." Ezekiel replied enthusiastically. He looked more and more like an Athanasia fan. "You're a good girl too, Jennette. So I'm sure you can be good friends with the princess."

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