- Playdate Part 1 -

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After running away from two people who do not understand Athy's feelings. Now Athy is alone with Blackie in the Ruby Palace garden. The girl sat on the green grass with her face bent in annoyance. Unknowingly she started pulling the grass around her while grumbling by herself.

"Ugh. All because of that crazy big brother! Our lives are now in danger, Blackie!! How is this.. Huaaaah" shouted Athy in annoyance. "Ugh! Ugh! His hair should be pulled out like this! Let him be bald and ugly! Huahahahaha!"

The girl's ghastly laugh made the supposedly quiet and peaceful Ruby Palace into a commotion and made the ladies-in-waiting chuckle behind the Palace pillars. They didn't want to disturb Her Highness Princess Athanasia who is very very upset.

"What's wrong with the princess? It's the only time I've seen her so upset." said one of the ladies-in-waiting, stifling a laugh.

"I don't know. So far, the princess has only one problem, her chocolate has run out without anyone knowing who ate it. Even though I'm sure it was the result of her own actions. Who dares to take the precious chocolate belonging to Emperor Obelia's beloved daughter?"

That's right. Athy's problem is only about her chocolate. Since a few days ago, the chocolates that her father had given her that she had kept under her bed had suddenly been decreasing.

According to Athy, she didn't eat it. The little girl was sure she only ate one per day. In accordance with her promise to her mother, Diana.

"Well..Let's leave her there for a while. I'm sure her irritation will subside soon and she will run back to the kitchen to ask for a cake to be made for tea time with Her Majesty the Empress."

The ladies-in-waiting went back to their respective jobs and left Athy, who seemed talented enough to be a weeder. Likewise with Blackie, the creature that ate all sorts of things continued to nibble on the grass that was flying here and there.

Several times a bright blue light seemed to gush from the direction of the Garnet Palace. But the little girl didn't care at all.

"It seems that Your Majesty does not like the boy that Mr. Evan has brought." Felix comments behind Athanasia. He was finally able to find the little girl after searching here and there.

"Of course! Daddy always sided with Athy. Daddy would know that big brother is evil! tsk. Just watch out! If that big brother takes Blackie, Athy will torn him apart like this…"

In Felix's eyes Athanasia's current behavior is very cute. He was very curious what would happen next with the Princess and the Wizard.

"Ahem. Princess.." Felix called with a beaming face.

"What's wrong, Felix?!"

Felix annoys the angry lion cub. Atanasia's sharp gaze made him flinch slightly. Athanasia really is the daughter of Emperor Claude. In addition to their very similar faces and eyes, their traits now look even more similar. Especially their attitude towards the pitiful Felix.

"Ah that.. I think you shouldn't hate someone too much. Your Highness won't know when that person will become someone who is Your Highness desperately needed." Felix gave an advice.

"Huh? Ouch. Felix is ​​really innocent. How could that crazy big brother be the one needed in this Palace. There's Daddy and Felix who can do anything. Athy wouldn't need that big brother. Right, Blackie? And that brat was about to eat you that time."

"That time?" Felix furrowed his brows at Atanasia's strange words.

"Huh? Opps?!" Athanasia immediately covered her mouth. She was not careful to keep her own secrets.

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