- Don't Leave Me -

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It was getting late but a woman was still sitting by the window with a face full of sadness. Moonlight seemed to be shining on her wavy platinum blonde hair. Her heart ached remembering that the remained of her time with the man she loved was only a few months away. A clear liquid started to appear in her eyes which were pink in color.

"Sorry Claude .. Sorry .."

Diana's voice trembled holding back the deep sorrow she felt. The beautiful woman didn't mind if she had to die for the child in her womb. If it's fate she will accept it. But what really saddened her now was the fact that she had to leave her lover, Emperor Claude. Not long after that, the clear liquid that had stagnated drenched her cheeks.


Claude, who had been staring at him from the doorway, gave a low chuckle and then turned to leave Diana. It has been a week since they learned the harsh truth about Diana's pregnancy. The woman always sat by the window and shed tears that cut Claude's heart into slices. He really doesn't want to care, he wants to run away from this reality.

Claude grew up in the suffering and cruelty of his family. The torment and betrayal of those he once loved made him a very cold and cruel person. He took the throne after successfully killing his own brother, Emperor Anastacius. His life is empty and aimless. He only lives because he has no reason to die.
His life only changed after meeting Diana. The beautiful fairy seemed to bring fresh air in his boring daily life.

He now can't live without that woman. If Diana left his side, it would be tantamount to killing Claude slowly.
The man fell silent in the corridor. The thought of his life without Diana gave him despair. He immediately turned around and walked quickly to return to his lover side.



"I lose." Claude's hands gripped Diana's shoulders.
"Maybe this is just a game of feelings from start to finish. If you ask, I'll beg you."

"How.. how can you say that?"

"If I don't do this, won't you go away from my side?"

The baby's mana in Diana's womb was so strong that the mother's body was weakening day by day, until in the end she would die in childbirth.

Claude gritted his teeth at the sight of Diana who still didn't want to let go of the child in her womb.

"Yes, I know. Again, this is just a game of silly feelings. Even though I know, but still it is always finished like this." Claude's voice was trembling.

"Your Majesty .."

"Don't think about anything else. Make decisions for yourself."

He didn't know how to persuade Diana. That woman really tormented him from day to day.


"Don't go. Choose me. Now, in this very moment. Choose me. Don't choose the child who takes away your life!"

The Emperor was desperate. If Diana wanted he would kneel right now.
Diana's tears flowed profusely to see her lover's face. She could feel Claude's sorrow, his sadness was deeper than hers, this man really needed her.

"Your Majesty.. I really want to choose you. But this child, I can not kill her. She is our daughter, our own flesh and blood. I am her mother, I have to protect her."

"She's not my child if she kills you in the end!"

Claude shouted angrily at Diana's answer. If there was no Diana, why would he raise that child, that child had already killed her mother.

The Two Fairies - Eng Ver ( Who Made Me A Princess Fanfiction) Where stories live. Discover now