- The Queen (Part 1) -

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Diana, who was carrying Athanasia, watched the ladies who looked very excited to choose the most suitable wedding dress for Diana. They scramble to provide recommendations based on their respective tastes.

"Lady Diana is already very beautiful, there is no need to wear a dress with too many ornaments like this." The young lady named Seth pushed a dress with glittering ornaments around it.

"Geez. Precisely because of the many glittering ornaments the Lady's beautiful face can stand out even more." Another young lady named Hannah showed again the dress she had chosen. Sparkling gems seemed to adorn around the white dress.

"You guys are so loud. Let the Lady choose for herself." Lilian, who was already annoyed by the endless noise, finally intervened for the two of them.

Diana herself just smiled at them. Her wedding day is just a finger counting. But she did not have the chance to feel the excitement of awaiting that sacred day. Every day she was busy with Athanasia and her training to become an emperor's companion. Not to mention the aristocratic women who asked to meet her just to make small talk.

In fact, it seemed now that she didn't really care about the dress she would wear when she married the Emperor. All she thought about was Athanasia, can this six month baby be quiet while in the wedding? Can she breastfeed in that troublesome looking dress? What if Athanasia didn't want to get away from her when she had to walk towards the altar with Claude?

"... 'Bwing!' Bwing!" Athanasia pointed to the dresses lined up by the ladies. He likes everything that sparkles like gold and jewelry.

"Well, which do you like Princess? This one or that one?" Hannah showed the dress she and Seth had chosen in front of the six months old baby. If Athanasia had chosen, of course she would have won with a dress full of sparkling ornaments.

".... Erg." Atanasia put her finger to her lips and seemed to be weighing between the two options.

The women around her seemed to be waiting anxiously for her answer. The Princess can be said to be very smart for a baby of her age. Diana and Lilian sometimes even joke that if Athanasia's soul is actually an adult, the baby is too clever to grasp what the adults are talking about.

".. This ..this. Ma!! Mama !!" Athanasia grabbed one of the dresses and pulled it in front of her mother. ".. 'it on!!" (Put it on!)

"I already said that the sparkling one is really pretty. The princess agrees." Hannah looked very proud after Athanasia agreed to her choice. "Please Lady try on the dress first. The Princess will also want to see it right? Right?"

Athanasia nodded, her eyes sparkling with hope.

"You guys are more excited than myself." The prospective bride finally entrusted her baby to Lilian. She entered the dressing room with Hannah and Seth.

* knock * * knock *

The sound of knocking made the ladies stop choosing dresses and looked at the door. Likewise with Lilian and Athanasia.

"Lady, His Majesty wish to see you." Felix who is standing behind the door announces Claude's arrival. They don't want to carelessly walk in when many ladies are choosing dresses for Diana.

"Ah, His Majesty. Hurry up and fix the gown. Don't look messy." Lilian gave orders to the ladies in a hurry.

"Paaa .. Papa !!" The little daughter has realized the arrival of the father.

Lilian walked over to the door carrying Athanasia, who looked very excited to see her father.

"I greeted the sun of Obelia. May the prosperity and glory of Obelia always be with you, sire." Lilian immediately lowered her head and greeted her when the door opened.

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