- How To Be a Good Queen -

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A few months after her wedding, Diana began to carry out her duties as consort to the Emperor. The household affairs of the Palace that were previously held by the Chief Servant are now taken over by her. Starting from the Palace budget to personnel affairs, all are held by Diana. At first she had a little difficulty but slowly she got used to it and luckily there is Lilian who is now her personal assistant.

Sometimes she also goes out of the palace to attend charity events or to see the lives of people who are in need and need immediate help from the Palace. Claude at first disagreed with Diana who insisted on going directly to densely populated places on the outskirts of the Empire, but well he was weak on his wife. He allowed Diana on the condition that the woman was fully protected and that her appearance had to be disguised so that no one could recognize her as the Queen.

Like this afternoon, she was visiting an orphanage on the edge of town with her daughter who was already starting to walk.

"Lady !! Please read this book!" a little girl ran to where Diana was sitting while carrying a story book. The storybook she was carrying looked shabby and torn on several pages.

"Ah the story about Snow White and her seven dwarves? You want to hear this story, Gretta?" asked Diana softly.

The girl nodded excitedly. Several other children also became interested and approached Diana.

Seeing how worn the book was, Diana knew that the book she was holding had been read over and over again by all the children in the orphanage. The books in the orphanage library are very limited, as a result they have no other choice but to reread the existing books.

The children sat in a circle on the carpet with Diana and Athanasia sitting in the middle of them. The story that they have memorized by heart becomes very interesting and sounds new when Diana tells the story. This beautiful woman not only reads word by word in attractive voices, she also uses her hands gesture and various facial expression so that the children don't get bored.

"Jeez! How beautiful she is. Why is she in our house? Asked the oldest, the wisest dwarf. I don't know! Hurry up and drag her out! This woman has eaten all our lunch! The grumpy screamed." Diana told the children while adjusting her expressions to match the dwarves' personalities.

All the children's eyes are sparkling. They look so amazed to see the beautiful queen. So it is with Athanasia. Her mother is the master of story telling.

"Your Majesty is very kind to come to our remote place." said the owner of the Orphanage who had been paying attention to Diana's interactions with the children.

"Her Majesty wants to visit every orphanage in the Imperial City regularly. She wants all the needs of these children to be met. If allowed even she wants to send some of her confidants to tour orphanages throughout Obelia." Lilian explained. "You don't have to worry anymore about money to buy their necessities, Madame. The Palace will routinely distribute staple food, books, clothes and other school supplies.

"Really? If so, we will be very grateful .."

The owner's eyes glistened with tears. She never thought that eventually the children can eat enough without fighting or writing with a pencil that is too small. Their orphanage has been always the last to receive the donation from the people. While the child who come to her place has increased a lot year by year.

"Yes. Your Majesty has agreed to Her Highness's plan." Lilian smiled then handed her handkerchief to the middle aged woman. She can see the struggle of the orphanage owner taking care of and raising the children, the hands that look wrinkled from washing the laundry frequently, the darker eye bags due to lack of sleep taking care of the babies who are still cry frequently at night, her body getting thinner because she simply doesn't have time to take care of herself.

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