- Little Fairy -

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"Lily..What's all this?" Diana, who had just returned from Claude's office, was stunned to see the pile of gifts in her room.

Lily and the ladies looked busy checking the gifts one by one. They wiggled small prizes and stabbed large ones with knives. The ladies are afraid that someone will give Diana a dangerous gift.

"This is a gift from the noble ladies, lady. This morning they flocked to the front of Ruby Palace and brought all this for you." Lily smiled as she shook one of the gifts.

* Crang * * Cring *

"Huh? This one sounds weird! Knife! Hurry up and give the knife!"

"Lily. Don't go overboard. They can't possibly give me a dangerous present." Diana tries to calm Lily who is ready to stab a gift that she thinks is strange.

Lily stopped her activities and looked worriedly at Diana. The mistress she served was just too kind. She didn't suspect anyone. Even though in her eyes it was clear the motives of the women. They were all just wolves in sheep's clothing.
In fact, she even got to see Countess Rosalia smiling slyly when giving her gift.

Of course, after Rosalia left, Lily immediately asked Felix to burn the gift wrapped in purple paper. Dense black smoke rose from the burning gifts and a strong smell of corpse wafted from the remains of the ashes. No one knows what the witch's gift contained.

"You must be more careful, lady. Many women are after you now. Especially the women who failed to get the position of candidate for Queen." Lily kept the gifts she finished examining. It turns out that inside are just a monkey toy for baby who are about to be born.

"Really? They all seem friendly and kind to me. Especially Mrs. Elaine. She's also having a baby soon, so we talked a lot about pregnancy issues. She even promised to teach me flower arrangement after we gave birth." Diana's eyes sparkled with light about her new friend.

Lily could only exhale a long sigh at Diana, who was still laughing cheerfully even after knowing that there were many people who wanted to harm her.

"Yes, lady. Some of the aristocratic women are very nice. But please stay away from those who look like witches with red lipstick."

"Huh? Who?"

Diana had not memorized all the aristocratic women she had met at the tea ceremony. She only remembered a few people who were conspicuous. Mrs. Elaine certainly stood out because her stomach was as big as Diana's. Then..

"Countess Rosalia. A woman with brown hair and an evil face. She often wears a purple dress and a very wide hat. Her lips are bright red as if they have sucked blood."

Lily's explanation was so detailed that Diana began to ask what was wrong with Lilian and Countess Rosalia. She certainly could have recognized Rosalia from Lily's explanation. The woman did keep staring at Diana with creepy eyes, as if she wanted to eat Diana alive.

"Don't worry, Lily, I'll stay away from that woman. After all, aren't there you and Felix will always take care of me? And there is Claude who always roams around me like a bee. Tsk. He actually works or not, almost all day long hanging on to me." Diana chuckled remembering that her bee boyfriend, who now looked like the Emperor, was not doing enough work.

"Your Majesty is very worried about you Lady, especially when you will give birth in a few weeks"

Diana touched his big belly. She's actually not too worried about her pregnancy now, everything feels fine after that historic night a few months ago. Her body feels fresh all the time, her appetite is great, and she can still do everything on her own. Now she just needs to prepare a name for the baby and decorate the nursery. Claude set up a special room for their baby next to her room in Garnet Palace. And the Emperor also began to move Diana's belongings into his room.

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