Chapter 45

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Sarah finished packing her food for tomorrow. She couldn't believe the next day would be her first day at a new job, back to corporate, but different. She hummed to herself as she packed the lunchbox. The apartment she currently lived at had slowly become in home, and to her surprise she preferred it than an oversized condo. The place where she lived wasn't that important; what mattered most was that she could share it with the people she loved. And Ali lived conveniently close. However, she would probably move to a two bedroom apartment since Jessica was slowly getting used to her more and more.

One thing she missed from her condo was the large window that faced the street and brought in sunlight. She had a smaller window that did half the trick, but it faced the parking lot so no matter how much light came in, she couldn't enjoy seeing people going on about their businesses. After she put all the ingredients back in the refrigerator and the cabinets, she grabbed her keys and went for a drive. There was something she needed to do, and it had been hard to come to terms with it, but now she felt called to do it. Before she could continue walking forward there was one thing she needed, closure.

She drove to the familiar road of her childhood home. It had been years since the last time she stood in this street, other than in the dreams she often had. After that dream where she was chased outside her home, she had more dreams but the theme was different. She relived experiences with her father and sister, simple things like sitting around the table, or watching cartoons together, and she was grateful she could re-experience that. Her mother wasn't in her dreams, either because they never shared fond memories or because she wasn't in the land of the deceased.

Sarah parked outside the house and walked the steps to the front door. Every step she took made her whole body shiver and her heart beat its way out of her chest. Even when she felt she could have a breakdown any minute, courageously she went on.

A woman that appeared her own age opened the door. She peeked her head but kept her body hidden indoors.

"Hi," Sarah started. "My name is Sarah," she tried to smile but felt rather self-conscious.

"Yes?" the woman looked around visibly uncomfortable. "I am sorry. I am a little busy," she closed the door gently.

"No, wait," Sarah knocked the door again and the woman opened again, her face less friendly.

"I am not selling anything," Sarah said. "This was my childhood home, I just wanted to maybe come in. It would mean a lot to me."

The woman opened the door fully. "Really? You said Sarah? Why do you want to see it now? Its been years since we moved in and never had visitors."

"I don't want to creep you out but my sister passed away years ago. And this house has lots of memories."

"Your sister? Come in," the woman stepped to the side and ushered Sarah in. "My kids have seen a girl walking around, specially my eldest. He says he sees her in his room."

"Would you mind taking me to his room?" Sarah asked.

The woman bit her lip and hesitated. "My husband is in the garage now. This better not be any funny business. Ok?"

"I promise you I am telling the truth," Sarah pleaded.

"I think you are. Follow me," the woman guided her upstairs to the familiar room that used to belong to Sophie. Sarah had been here countless times both when Sophie lived and afterwards through dreams. The guitar was still there. Sarah recognized the familiarity of the room just as she had seen it in dreams.

"He is at a friend's now, but he would kill me if he knew a stranger was in his room. Teenagers!"

Sarah nodded, for the first time being able to relate to when someone talked about their teenagers. Now she had her own. Sarah couldn't see anything uncommon in the room, but she could feel. The presence of her sister didn't scare her. It felt rather comforting. Sarah wished she could see her, touch her, and hug her. She could usually feel things or presences but never with this intensity as if she was meant to be here, as if Sophie had waited for her for a long time.

Sarah walked to the window while the woman went on talking about his son and his friends, his extracurricular activities, and much more. When she noticed Sarah was tuning in to the energy in the room, she went quiet and just observed. Sarah saw through the window her sister standing in the sidewalk simply watching her. Sophie started walking north and Sarah knew where she was going. Following her instinct she turned to the woman. "You will not see her anymore. Thank you for your trust."

The woman narrowed her eyebrows and nodded hesitantly. Sarah walked past her and stormed downstairs, heading straight for her car. She couldn't see Sophie anymore, but it didn't matter. She knew where they would meet again. Shortly afterwards, Sarah found herself parked at the side of where her father and sister took their last breaths.

Sarah stood there just feeling. It was here where everything ended for her father and sister twenty years ago, but it was here were everything started for her journey and the reawakening of her gifts, and it was here were she would close a cycle. A place for endings and beginnings. The road wasn't too busy, just a couple of cars could be seen going in either direction. Everyone was living their lives completely unaware of how significant was for her to be standing by the road.

"I release you," she said. Her skin felt cold instantly and goosebumps ran up and down her arms and legs. She felt movement around her, not physically but in some other level. Then ahead in the road she saw two figures standing side by side. Her eyes filled with tears and she smiled broadly as she recognized her father and sister, as if they had never left, somehow here but not really. She wanted to walk to them, to try and touch them, but she knew that's not why she was here.

"I release you," she said again and a stream of tears ran down her cheek softly. Sophie turned and walked away to the horizon, pulling her dad's hand. He laughed and turned too. They walked away and seemed to have a conversation. Sarah dried her tears and got back in her car. She could feel a special kind of freedom she had never experienced before. She started driving the opposite way, feeling that something was now guiding her life, energy bigger than herself. She was at last in her right path.

As she drove, her phone rang. Jessica.

"Hi sweetie," she answered.

"Hi," Jessica said. "Listen, I have been hesitant to tell you this, but I need your help. My mom wants to medicate me, Katherine, you know."

"Medicate you?"

"Yes, and dad agrees. They tell me I have PTSD and I need this, but I don't want it. It just feels wrong, and maybe you can help me out and talk to them."

"PTSD? Why?" Sarah started getting concerned.

"I had a dream where I was drowning, and then it happened. I didn't pay much attention to it, but then I had another dream that also came true, and I told them and they think I am traumatized for my NDE."

Sarah couldn't believe her ears. "Don't worry. I will talk to them. I will explain what you are really going through."

"Do you understand what I am going trough?"

"Yes sweetie; I went through that myself. You'll be okay. I promise," Sarah felt so much confidence in her words.

"Ok, um," Jessica hesitated. "Thank"

Sarah felt her heart jump a little bit after being called mom. The last time was over a decade ago when mom was rather mommy. She held her breath to stop the sobbing from coming through.

"Oh my God, get yourself together Sarah. Mom is just a word," Jessica laughed playfully. "But yes, thank you mom."

"Do you have some time now?" Sarah realized that her purpose extended beyond her comprehension. This was another part of what she had come to do in this earth, and she was ready for it.

"Yes, I do."

"I am not too far from you. Do you want to hear a little bit about our family blessing?"

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