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Trigger Warning: talks of domestic violence. Skip if you're not comfortable.

Lauren: hey Ariana, it's Lauren. I was wondering if we could talk?

Ariana: of course! What's up?

Lauren: I'm just going to cut to the chase and ask why did Camila send you here?

Ariana: Lauren she misses you and she really wants you to come home. We know you're hanging around with Normani and you really shouldn't be. She dangerous Lauren!

Lauren: is that what she told you?

Ariana: yeah. She's scared that Normani is going to do to you what she did to her.

Lauren: I know she's your best friend but she's not as innocent as she portraits to be. I ran away from her because she was abusive. I mean before I ran away we broke up weeks ago. She contacted me one morning asking to talk, instead of talking she threatened to harm the people I love and since I couldn't let her do that I went with her.

Lauren: I won't lie, things were good for a few days and I truly thought that she changed. Unfortunately I was wrong because I made one mistake and I was beaten until I was bloody and thrown into the basement and left there for days. I was starved and couldn't eat unless she said I could. I was told over and over again how much of a "worthless piece of shit" I was and smacked around like a rag doll whenever she felt it was right. I know the scars on my body tell people just how bad the physical abuse was but mentally she really did break me. She convinced me that if I left her that I was a horrible person and I believed that. I did believe that I was horrible for leaving her, but I couldn't stay. She was abusive and just downright horrible to me for no reason.

Ariana: but she loves you... I've seen her cry over FaceTime just wanting you to come home. She would never do this.

Lauren: Ariana I wouldn't lie about this.

Ariana: if she did all of that to you, does that mean what she said Normani did to her, she actually did to Normani?

Lauren: would you like to ask her yourself?

Ariana: please..

Lauren has added Mani.

Mani: Lo?

Lauren: I know we said we'd keep low but Ariana has a question.

Mani: ok what's up?

Ariana: Camila told me that you were abusive and I'm just now finding out from Lauren that she's the one who's abusive and I just really want to know if she ever abused you.

Mani: remember the night of Justin's party and Camila told you that I left early?

Ariana: yes...

Mani: the reason I left early was because we got into an argument and she beat me with broom because she was so angry that I was talking to one of my friends and not her that she freaked out and started beating me. She shoved me out the back door bloody and told me to go home. Being as scared of her as I was I left with no question.

Mani: when she got meet up with me the next day she told that she was "sorry" but wouldn't have done it if I didn't "flirt with that slut" Of course I apologized to her and she accepted saying that it would never happen again. That was a lie because three months later I was fighting for my life in the hospital because she snapped and stabbed me in the stomach after beating me up. Again.

Ariana: she told me that she did that because you attacked her. I mean I always thought it was weird that she had no marks but she's my best friend and I didn't want t9 question her. I had no idea. I'm so sorry.

Mani: honestly I'm over it. I've moved on and I hope with this new information you don't too.

Ariana: I have no choice but to...

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