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Lauren was standing in the mirror looking at herself in the mirror. Today she was going to court and she was scared, she didn't know what was going to happen and that worries her. She didn't know what was going to happen.


Blinking back her tears she turns to face Dinah and Normani. She smiles, "hey guys. What's up?" She asked softly.

No matter how hard she tried to hide the fact that she's been crying they knew. Dinah and Normani knew that she was upset. "LoLo baby what's wrong?" Normani asked. Lauren frowned as a lone tear rolls down her cheek. "I'm scared. I'm scared that the judge will rule in her favor and then my whole case, my whole experience with her means absolutely nothing," she huffed. "Like what if no one believes me? What if my story is so unbelievable that they rule in her favor because I sound crazy! I'm just really fucking scared right now." She cried.

Both Dinah and Normani held her in their arms. For the days leading up to today Lauren has been fine. They didn't know how upset she was and maybe they should have asked. Maybe they should have checked in.

"Baby she's not going to win. She has no proof of you doing anything and without Lucy on her side she has nothing." Dinah says.

Lauren didn't say anything but the made it known that she appreciated that they were here for her. She needs them and they were here for her. She really needs to repay them for this.

Arriving at the court Lauren stood with her lawyer and girlfriends by her side as they waited for Camila to arrive. It's been about twenty minutes and the girl still hasn't arrived yet, which to Lauren was weird.

"Mrs Swanson since your client still isn't here I'm going to have to close this case and rule in favor of Ms Jauregui." The judge says.

Mrs Swanson, Camila's lawyer, sighed and nods sadly as she began packing her things. Lauren felt absolutely relived as they left the court room. As she was walking across the street a car came flying at her but before she could get hit Normani pushed her out of the way and took the hit herself. Time stood still as she screamed for someone to call nine one one. Cradling Normani in her arms tears were streaming down Lauren's face. "Mani babe stay with me! Please stay with me!"

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