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Sitting in the waiting room Camila had tears running down her face as she hoped and prayed that Lauren was going to be ok. She just had to be ok.

"Camila it's not your fault. Lauren was being hurtful like you said and there's only so much a person can take. This isn't your fault." Chris said.

Camila nodded as she wipes her tears away. "I know but I can't help but feel sad that it got to that point, but she just makes me so mad that I snap. I didn't mean to actually hurt her." She said.

Chris nods as he held her hand. "I know and when she wakes up I'll talk her into getting help because this isn't ok. She's hurting you and making you react this way and that's not fair to you." He says. Camila nodded in agreement. "It's really not."

Standing a few feet away Mike was fuming as he listened to Camila and Chris put the blame on Lauren when this isn't her fault. Camila is the abusive one not Lauren and it makes him furious that they're blaming her.

"Are you guys serious right now?"

Chris looks up at his father. "Dad I know you love Lauren but she needs help! She's hurting Camila and she doesn't even care. It's not fair to put everything on Camila." He argues. Camila nodded "sir Lauren has said a lot of things to hurt me and she doesn't even care. I love your daughter so much which is why I want her to get help." She says.

Mike stood there confused by what they were saying. "Camila my daughter tells me everything. We talk often and when you guys were together she always asked me why you would hit her, why you would hurt her because she didn't understand." He paused. "I know Lauren has made some mistakes but I know for a fact that she has never put her hands on you. Just because she told you how she felt you want to sit here and act like the victim when we all know that's not true. You have put my daughter through hell and once she's out of this hospital I want you gone. I want you to stay away from my daughter." He said.

Camila looked at him shocked as she quickly stood up. "Mike you can't do that! I love Lauren and I just want to be with her. You can't split us up." She said. Mike glared at her. "You don't love my daughter because if you did you wouldn't be hurting her." He says. "Stay away from her Karla."

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