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Sitting outside Dinah's home Kehlani wrote down everything that she was doing with a smirk on her face. She knew once she reported back to Chris that he'd be happy to hear that Dinah wasn't home alone like Normani and Lauren thought, so they could now move forward with the rest of their plan. This should be real easy for them.

"DJ I promise nobody is watching you. If it makes you feel better I can stay the night." Zendaya offers.

Dinah looked at her with tears in her eyes. "Would you please." She whispers softly. Zendaya frowned when she saw how upset Dinah was over this. "You're really scared aren't you?" She asked softly.

Dinah nodded "I'm terrified Z. With everything that's happened I just feel like I have to watch my back all the time." She says. "I'm just absolutely scared." Zendaya looks at her and hugged her. "Do Lauren and Mani know that you feel this way?" She asked softly.

Dinah shook her head as she pulls away. "No I just don't want them to worry. I know that they're scared and I don't want to put my issues on to them knowing that they have problems of their own." She says. "DJ you guys are partners. Lauren and Mani love you and I'm sure if you told them they wouldn't shut you do." She says. "Those girls love you Dinah."

Back in Miami Chris was reading each massage her received from Kehlani telling him all about the girl Dinah had over at the apartment. He smirked when he saw the pictures of the girl holding Dinah in her arms. This was definitely going to destroy Lauren and he loves it.

Sitting at dinner Chris had this smirk on his face as he looks at Lauren and she felt weirded out. "What's your problem Chris?" She asked. Chris laughs "I got word from a friend that Dinah's been having a girl over at your home every night since you guys have been gone." He said.

"What are you talking about?" Normani asked.

His smirk grew as he turns to the brown skinned girl. "Your oh so precious girlfriend Dinah is cheating on you and I have the proof." He said as he pulls up the pictures. "Since you've been gone she's been with that girl everyday. Guess she's not so faithful now is she."

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