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Laying in the hospital bed Lauren had tears running down her cheeks as she thought about what happened the other day with Camila. She knew that they shouldn't be together but last night made it absolutely clear that she had to get out of there. She had to leave the relationship because this wasn't good for her.

"I'm surprised you're up Lauren."

Hearing his voice made Lauren frown. "What do you want Chris?" She asked coldly. He held his hands up. "I just want to talk to you." Chris says. Lauren was obviously skeptical. "About what?" She questions.

Chris sighs as he sat in a chair across from her bed. "Camila and I have been talking, and we both think that you need help." He paused as he looks at her. "Last night Camila told me what you said to her and Lauren you were wrong for that. Camila loves you and she would never hurt you on purpose, but you need to stop pushing her buttons. She's a person Lauren and people can only take so much. That girl loves you the way nobody else ever will but you need to start treating her better because what you've done to her isn't ok." He says. "You need to apologize or you're going to lose someone pretty wonderful."

Lauren felt something inside of her snap and she just broke. "No Chris I'm not about to lose someone wonderful. I'm about to lose a narcissistic, manipulative, evil person who's been abusing me since our first relationship! She doesn't this everytime she knows that she's the one in the wrong. She always changes details about what happened or she conveniently leaves out her part in what happened." Lauren says. "Tell me Chris do you know what happened a few nights before the incident that led me to the hospital?" He shook his head. "No." He mumbles.

Lauren chuckled dryly as she sits up. "I was making dinner for her and I thought things were find, then out of nowhere she starts screaming at me over something that happened months ago. Being with her I hate yelling so I ran to the basement and hid because my anxiety was through the roof and I was scared." She paused to take a deep breath. "I locked myself in there to get away from her because I didn't want to be on the receiving end of her anger. That made her mad because she then tried breaking the door open with a chair but that didn't work. She must have broken the chair because I saw pieces of it when I came out." She says. "So no Chris I'm not the one that needs help she does. She's been hurting me for a long time and I'm not going to apologize for telling her the truth that she's been needing to hear from a long time now."

Chris looks at his sister and shook his head as he calls for the staff. "Yeah she still thinks she's done nothing wrong and it's all on Camila. I've tried to get her to see how wrong she is but she won't, so unfortunately we have no choice but to lock her up." He says. "We have to send her away."

Lauren watched in horror as he sighed papers that would send her to a mental facility. "Wait you can't do that. You can't just sign me over to them without my permission." She argues. Chris smirked "well according to them if you're not in your right mind (which you're not) the person in charge of you (me) can sign whatever papers necessary to get you the help you need." He says snugly.

Tears fell down her cheeks as Lauren looks at the doctor. "Sir I don't want this. I don't need help I'm fine." She says. The doctor looks at her. "If you were so fine you would know the hurt you've caused to that young lady out there. She loves you but you blame her for everything and knowing her anger issues you use that to push her buttons and that's abusive in itself." He says.

Hearing that the doctor was on their side made Lauren lose all hope that someone would actually believe her. She watched blankly as Chris finished the paperwork and the handcuffed her as they lifted her off the bed and dragged her into the hall.

"What's going on here?" Mike asked as he ran towards them.

Chris smirks a little. "Camila and I have talked and we're sending Lauren to a facility to get the help she needs." He says. Hearing that send Mike over the edge. "Lauren doesn't need help. She's done nothing wrong. It was all Camila! She's the one that needs help." He says.

Mike's heart dropped when he saw how broken his daughter looks. "Sir, please she doesn't need this. She's fine." He says. "Please just let me take her home." The doctor shook his head. "I'm sorry but the papers have already been signed." He says. "There's nothing I can do."

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