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Waking up the next morning Normani was extremely sad when she didn't see Lauren sleeping next to her. Getting out of bed she quickly ran down stairs only to be met by Chris who couldn't seem to care less.

Rolling her eyes she decided to call Lauren. Unfortunately it went straight to voicemail meaning that her phone was off. Blinking back the tears in her eyes she decided to go look for her missing girlfriend. She just hopes she finds her.

Walking around Miami Normani passed by a few places she knew that Lauren would like. She smiled softly as she memorized them for when she finds Lauren.

Coming across a small diner she decided to walking inside to ask if anyone has seen Lauren but before she could she saw the girl sitting alone in the back.


Hearing her voice Lauren put on a fake smile. "Hey baby." She says. "What brings you here?" Normani frowns "Lauren you weren't home when I woke up. You were gone. I just spent the last hour looking for you." She cried. "Why didn't you say anything?"

Lauren felt bad for making Normani worry about her. "Mani I'm sorry. I just couldn't be there alone with him knowing what he said to me the other day. I never meant to worry you babe. I'm sorry." She says.

Normani said nothing as she hugged Lauren like her life depends on it. Like if she let go the girl would disappear if she let go of her. Lauren hugged back and gently ran her fingers through Normani's hair as the girl began crying. She felt really bad about making the girl worry.

Back in California Dinah got no sleep last night. She kept having this feeling that someone was watching her, like someone knew her every move and that was freaking her out. She's been trying to shake the feeling but everywhere she goes she gets the feeling that someone is watching her.

"DJ I'm telling you that nobody is watching you." Zendaya says.

Dinah huffs as she runs her fingers through her hair. "Z you don't understand. Everywhere I go I can just feel a pair of eyes on me. Like they're stalking me." She whispers harshly.

Zendaya looks at her friend. "Dinah I promise nobody is watching you. I understand why you feel that way but Camila is in jail and Chris is back in Florida." She tells her. "You have nothing to worry about."

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