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Lauren was laying on the couch thinking about everything that's been happening recently. She hated the fact that Chris and Lucy contacted her considering that they haven't talked in such a long time. The last time they talked it wasn't so kind, so for them to only talk to her because Camila asked them to hurts because before all of this she reached out to both of them and they ignored her. They told her to deal with it on her own, which is probably why she stayed with Camila so long because she felt like she had no one that actually cared about her. She felt alone and scared so she stayed in order to just feel something.

Unlocking her phone she noticed that she had several notifications from Instagram and without really thinking she opened them and what she saw mad her so mad. She was tagged in a picture of Camila talking about how much she loved and missed her, and how she wished that she'd come home so they could be happy again. She knew exactly what Camila was doing and it pissed her off. Camila was trying to get people on her side by only telling bits and pieces of the story so everyone thinks Lauren is in the wrong and make her feel guilty in hopes that she'll come back, but that's not happening this time.

After being unhappy for so long she's finally in a place where she's happy. She slowly getting closer to Dinah and Normani, and hopefully they'll be a couple soon. She just wants Camila to leave her alone and let her go so she can finally be happy. She just wants to be happy.

Sitting outside the small house Lucy and Chris were watching Lauren as she made out with the two girls she's been hanging around with and it pissed them off. They couldn't understand why she would dump the wonderful Camila for those two pampered sluts. It didn't make sense to them.

"We have to do something to make her realize that she belongs with Camila. We have to show her that they're meant to be together." Chris says.

Lucy nods in agreement. "I agree. We have to show her that Camila is sorry and she needs to move on from what happened. Camila never meant to hurt her she just needs to get her anger under control. That's all." She says. Chris sighs "we have to get those two to back off." He said. Lucy smirks "just leave that to me."

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