burning sensation.

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Michael sat directly next to me the rest of the week. According to the guys, my cheeks got extremely red every time he sat next to me, saying my name in a purr: "Hi Lukey." Then he would usually put his hand on my knee, I never knew why but I didn't hate it, even though I would uncomfortably squirm under his grasp. Michael's raspy voice always runs through my mind now, replaying every face he makes, every thought of mine was his. I wanted it to change but it became inevitable, his touch making me wince when I realize it's gone, for now only, I hope.

I heard loud rattling downstairs. Being the only one home I was absolutely terrified. I quietly closed my bedroom door, locked it, and put my chair in front of it, hopefully preventing the intruder from coming in. I huddled on my bed under all the blankets. I may be confident on the ice but home is my vulnerable place. I heard footsteps creeping closer up my stairs. They were, heavy, and dragged out.

I squeaked a little when I heard a jiggling on the knob, peeking out of my blankets the slightest bit. I heard loud grumbling noises on the other side of the door. I've got to admit, I was a little freaked out. The jiggling on the knob turned into banging on the door and walls. I slowly got out of my bed and looked under the door. Vans, they were wearing vans. Michael? I thought to myself, Michael wore those vans almost every day.

"M-Michael?" I asked, afraid of being wrong. Michael's loud peircing laugh filled the silence.

"Oh my god you were so scared dude! Let me in I won't hurt you," he said, laughing hysterically.

I couldn't help but smile and laugh with him. I opened the door after moving the chair out of the way. "How the hell did you get in my house?" I asked, happy that he was here but filled with butterflies for an unknown reason.

"Your garage door was open, wasn't that difficult," Michael said, looking around my room. "You like bands? I had no idea," he said with a happy look on his face. I knew Michael loved music and bands, he makes sure everyone knows with the clothes he wears, along with the constant earbuds in his ears.

"Uh, yeah. I play guitar and, kinda, sing too. I'm no good though," I said. Michael plays guitar, he was amazing at it too.

"I bet your amazing. Play Hemmings, I can tell you if your good or not," he said with a smirk on his face. And he would tell me if I was good or not, he's very straight forward.

"Er- okay, I guess." I said, unsure of myself, picking up my guitar and setting it on my lap. "I don't know what to play," I said smiling a little when i look up at Michael, who was staring intently at me, waiting to hear me play.

"I know you write songs. Let me hear one. Please," he added realizing I would probably be reluctant to let him hear one of my stupid songs. The only reason he knew was probably because of the ripped up music sheets on the floor, with unheard of song titles at the top.

I decided to play him one of my songs, which I had named Out of my Limit. I don't know where my burst of confidence came from but I even sang the words, Michael singing along in harmony when I sang the chorus the second time. He was smiling. Was he impressed? When I finished I kind of just looked down and scratched my head.

"It's pretty bad, haha," I said, still looking down at my feet.

"No, I love it. You're amazing Luke," he said. His eyes were so bright, his smile stretching from ear to ear, I guess he really thought I was good. My cheeks turned bright red, i'm sure of it, the burning sensation on my cheeks told me so.

"I don't usually show people my songs, I didn't think you'd like it," I said, finally looking up into his endless eyes.

"Wait, you have more? Okay now you have to play them," Michael said, getting up out of his chair and sitting next to me on my bed.

I squirmed a little at first. "I guess, but they aren't the best okay," I said. Playing my guitar a little to ease the silence in the room.

"If you wrote it, it's probably great," Michael said, picking up my only other guitar. He played a couple cords to get used to it. "Well go on then," he said.



Hope you all liked this. It was really fun to write.

Bye. :)

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