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I waited in the waiting room for about 3 hours. There was so many people in the waiting room, so many people crying and shaking. That was me up until a little while ago, when my kitten woke up.

A doctor came out of Michael's room and walked towards the waiting room. "Uh, is anyone here for Michael Clifford? " I immediately stood up. I was the only one, Michael's aunt and uncle were on their way and I didn't tell the team yet, what if he has forgotten them?

"Wh-why can't he remember? " I sounded so retarded. A tear rolled down my cheek, even though I shouldn't be crying. Michael still remembered me, didn't he?

"This is normal for someone who gets a blow to the head as bad as Michael's. We think he should regain his full memory within a week or two, it shouldn't be that serious. But we are done with testing, so you can visit him whenever," he said, putting his hand on my shoulder. He seemed like a creep so I quickly thanked him and walked into Michael's room. I sat in the chair next to his. Michael was watching cartoons.

"I'm sorry I can't remember everything," he said, sniffling. He turned to look at me and I realize he has been crying. Why is he crying? This definitely wasn't his fault, it was the asshole who put him here. Hell, it was my fault.

He bursted into tears, i hugged him. "Kitten, this isn't your fault, don't be sorry ok. It's my fault for not being on the ice to protect you Mikey, please don't cry," i said, tears now falling from my eyes.

"B-but i want to remember Lukey. I don't understand what i'm not remembering. Everyone's making me feel like an idiot, it's humiliating," he said, venting to me. I rubbed his back and layed my head on his shoulder.

"Shh, it's ok. All you have to remember is that i love you, ok? I love you, so, so much. And i missed you, oh did i miss you. You were asleep for awhile and i'm just glad you are back, whether you remember anything or not, ok?" I said, in between sniffles, trying to calm him down.

"Cuddle with me?" He asked, pulling away and making room for me on the hospital bed. I got into the bed next to him and wrapped my legs and arms fully around him. Being taller than him was nice, I know he liked being shorter than me, even though it wasn't by much. He squirmed in my arms to face me and kissed my nose. He played with by beanie and took it off, messing up my hair. He put my beanie on and smiled. "Perfection, " he said, before slowly falling asleep into my arms. This is all I wanted the whole time he was gone. This is what I wished for when I was in a balling mess on the floor. Now I had it, and I cherished every second. This was the first time Michael fell asleep in my arms since he got hurt, and it definitely wouldn't be the last.




Sorry it's so short guys

Bye. :)

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