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I woke up Saturday morning to the usual groupchat. I picked up my phone to realize there was a groan coming from the corner of my room. I sat up slightly and noticed Michael never left, he had fallen asleep in my chair. I grinned, his snores filling the room.

Ash: Why are you guys still sleeping?? Practice is in an hour.

Cal: I'm up im up

Me: im awake

Ash: where the hell is Michael?

Cal: No idea

Me: idk

I didn't know if I should tell them about me and Michael's "sleepover" last night. But I probably should wake Michael up anyway, he probably needs to get home.

"Hey, Michael," I said, "dude we have practice in an hour come on," I said slowly getting out of bed to nudge him. He batted his eyes open slowly, speaking in a hushed deep tone. His morning voice was so cute.

"Ok ok just let me sleep, I'm tired," he said trying to close his eyes again.

I smiled, "Come on Mikey, you've gotta get home to get ready for practice," I said slightly nudging him. He slowly stood up and cracked his back.

"I probably shouldn't have slept in this chair," he said, trying to crack his neck, wincing when he failed. "Drive me home?" He asked trying to fix his hair, almost embarrassed at his bed head.

"Alright, let me get ready first. And you better hurry when we get there, I'll take you to practice too okay," I offered. He smiled and pulled his shoes on.

I got ready in 5 minutes, it doesn't take me long. We got in my crappy yellow hummer and drove to Michael's house. I've never been there before so he had to direct me. His house was huge, especially since he had had no siblings. "Uh, you can come in if you want, I don't know if my parents are home, they usually are at work but yeah," he said opening the car door and stepping onto his long driveway. He sounded almost embarrassed at being rich, I found it kinda funny.

We walked into his house and went directly up the stairs. "Big house," I said, admiring the expensive chandelier above me.

"Thanks, I guess," he said heading for his room.

"Want me to wait in the hall while you get ready?" I asked.

"Nah, I want to you to see my room, it's real messy though," he said opening his door and stepping in. No doubt it was messy, but it was huge as well. The walls were filled with band posters. He had 3 beautiful electric guitars, one of them signed by someone, I couldn't tell who. He also had an acoustic, a bass, a keyboard, and a drumset all in his room. I was impressed, he must be really talented.

"Wow. Can you play all these?" I asked, motioning to all his instruments.

Michael slipped off his shirt, starting to put on his hockey stuff for practice. "Yeah, sweet huh," he said, smiling when he saw how amazed I was with his wall of autographs from a billion different artists.

He got ready as quick as he could, grabbing his 50 pound hockey bag like it was weightless. "Let's go, before my parents get home," he said, sliding down his railing to get to the main floor. I laughed and followed him, sliding down the railing as well, which was honestly really fun.


Practice was okay, it went by fast because the coach had "business" to take care of. I drove home by myself, I guess Michael was getting a ride from his mum, which I was totally fine with. I walked in the door to a burning smell.

"Luke? Come here and help me throw this toast away, I kinda burnt it aha " said my brother, Jack.

I set down my stuff and walked into the kitchen with a grunt. "God damnit Jack," I said, getting oven mitts and dropping toast on the floor. My dog, Molly, quickly ran in and ate the toast off the floor. "Well, problem solved," I said, giving the oven mitts to Jack and grabbing my bag. I headed back to my room. I checked my phone.

Mikey: Luke I left my wallet at your house

Ash: Wait you were at Luke's house?

Cal: o damn

Ash: how cute

Mikey: aha im coming to get it, okay?

Me: okay I guess.

Cal: it's so real

Ash: lol

That was kinda embarrassing. Oh well, at least I have an excuse to see Michael again.There was a knock at the door, quickly followed with the door opening. I ran downstairs to see Michael.

"Well thanks for inviting yourself in, Luke you know him right? He's not just a stranger.." Jack said, staring at Michael with an almost disapproving look.

"Yeah, yeah this is Michael, Michael thats my brother Jack," I said.

"Hi," Michael said with a grin on his face.

"We are going upstairs so yeah bye," I said to Jack, walking upstairs to my room.

"Did you actually think I left my wallet here?" Michael said, grinning as he closed and locked my bedroom door.

I was so confused. "Uh, yeah," I said sitting on my bed. Michael grinned even bigger.

"I just wanted an excuse to see you again," he said, sitting next to me and handing me my guitar.



Haha, this was a kind of long chapter. Hope you guys liked it. If you want to you can follow me on twitter @mikeysdoll4

Bye. :)

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