and again.

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My mum only let me see Michael once this week. I hated her for it, but I guess it was kind of for my health, which didn't matter to me anymore. It should've been me, lieing in a hospital bed, not sure when I would wake up, not sure if I would wake up. Michael would wake up. He had to. No, I needed him to. It's been 2 weeks. I feel weak, I deserve it. If it was up to me I would lock myself in my room and cry all day until I saw Michael, then go home again when I was forced and cry even more. My mum wouldn't allow it, she made me do things. Saying she doesn't want me to become depressed. I'm not depressed, I just can't live without the only person I love.

This visit with Michael was different. He looked gorgeous as usual, but he looked dead. He honestly looked dead and I swear he was dead if it wasn't for his chest steadily moving, indicating his breathing. I always had asked to be alone with him. He was warm, another sign of life. On my visits all I did was talk to Michael, I told him about my week, how much I miss him, what's happening in the world. Even if he wasn't listening I felt he could hear me.

"I refused to talk to anyone except you, Mikey. I feel so numb without you, the only feelings I have are sadness and anger. Don't worry I would never be mad at you, but I guess I have been mad at myself. This is my fault Kitten, I hate myself every second of every day. I don't know what to do without you," I said in between sobs, like I usually do. My tears stained Michael's hospital gown but I honestly didn't care. Michael wouldn't. "Coach won't tell me who did this to you. It's not like I even have the strength to hurt anyone anymore. But I hate that guy more than I hate myself. I'm gonna find him, for you," I said, the nurse then came in and asked me to leave.


The team groupchats were dead. No one even talked in them anymore since Michael went into the hospital.

Ash: ik who did it Luke, but I want to help you, please

Me: im coming over Ashton.

Cal: im on my way.

I drove over to Ashton's house, my face still tear stained and puffy-eyed. I didn't even knock on his door, just walked in. Calum and Ashton were both sitting on the couch looking down. They both quickly looked up and rushed to hug me. They were crying. I have never seen them cry before.

"I'm sorry Luke, I lied, I had to, we had to see you buddy, your mum told us everything. We're so, so sorry," Ashton said into my should. My lip began to quiver but anger took me over.

" What the Fuck. How could you guys!? You know all I wanted was to find this guy! I promised Michael.." I said, bursting into tears and falling into their arms.

"I know Luke," Calum said, with quiet sobs in between. I noticed that their eyes were red and puffy as well. I guess I had forgotten how many people Michael had that cared about him. How many people we have. We sat on the couch and Ashton was the first to stopped balling, probably trying to calm us down. He turned on the TV, we watched a bunch of random cartoons all day. I was still angry but I realized how hurt they were. I didn't think people as strong as them could be broken down.

"I'm sorry, for yelling," I said, leaning on Ashton's shoulder, Calum leaning on Ashton's other shoulder. They both sniffled in response, Ashton smiled.

"We deserved it," was all he said. I realized that Ashton and Calum were the only people besides Michael that I had talked to in person. I wouldn't even talk to my own mum. We spent the rest of the day crying, watching movies, and playing videogames.



this chapters pretty decent. Hope u all enjoy ✌

Btw I type this on my tablet, so I'm sorry if there is a lot of spelling errors.

Bye. :)

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