it was my fault.

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After 2 days, the doctors figured out that Michael really did wake up with amnesia. He wasn't going to remember anything without help and patience I guess. School is terrible.

"Did you hear? The coach demanded a rematch for championships, the guy who took down Michael was in college!" I heard someone in my first period class say. I was so confused, coach hadn't told me about this yet.

"No way! That's fucking hilarious, that fag- " I cut him off, startling even myself.

"I'd advise you to shut the hell up before you finish that sentence," I growled through clenched teeth. My hands tightened into fists as they laughed at my remark. I stood up and threw the asshole's books off his desk. "Listen you fucking cunt -" the teacher cut me off, walking into the classroom as the bell rang.

"Mr.Hemmings, do you need to step into the hallway?" I ran my hand through my hair.

"The only place i'm putting my foot is up this guy's ass if he doesn't shut up about my boyfriend."


I got it good for that one. Right after class I got pushed into the lockers, kicked, punched, elbowed. This kind of pain numbed me, it was to the point where it didn't hurt anymore. I used to not even fight back, there wasn't a point, but now there was. I had to win championships for Michael, to help him remember how good winning felt. I pushed every one of them off, there was only three of them, they were a lot shorter than me as well. I guess it took me up until now to realize how much power I could actually have over everyone.

"Talk about my boyfriend again and I'll do a lot more than push you idiots," I said, walking away with a skip in my step. I walked towards the door to leave. It was against school rules but obviously they didn't care too much considering anyone could leave at anytime. I decided i would go to Michael's house.

The drive was long and pointless. I pretty much just tried not to cry the whole time there. I don't even know why I wanted to cry this time, but it felt like I just cried all the time. About nothing, about everything. The silence seeped into my soul but music wouldn't help my unexplainible feelings at this point. I pulled into Michael's long driveway with urgency, pulling my keys out of the car and looking through Michael's window before knocking on the door. I hear a noise, no, noises, coming from inside his house. I opened the door, frightened, Maybe he was hurt.

"Miiiiichaaaeeel, ugh, " I heard someone say, no, moan from the basement. I froze. I felt like I was about to puke, surprised I hadn't already. Was he cheating on me? The same word ran through my head as I stood in his doorway, motionless. Fuck up. Fuck up. Of course Michael cheated, there's no way you would ever be good enough. I wanted to cry but there were no tears. I wanted to hate him but I didn't. Part of me tried to make me understand that I wasn't worth his love and lust. My teeth changed between chattering and clenching by the second. Should I go downstairs and see it for myself? That would be too emotional for me, I don't know if I would kick the persons ass or cry covering my eyes.

Then it came again. "Mm, baby I'm almost there," it was a girls voice both times. I guess I forgot how much Michael loved fucking around before we dated. Maybe he hasn't changed? It felt like years went by as I stood in his doorway, unsure of my actions. Tears lined my eyes and I decided to keep my mouth shut, quietly close the door, and drive away. The second I sat in my car the sobs came, uncontrollable and whiny. I screamed for Michael, pleaded that what I had just witnessed wasn't true. But it was, at least that's what the voices in my head were telling me. You fucking idiot! You were obviously just his failed experiment. That girl he was fucking? Probably his real girlfriend. I bet you were the side job.



painful shit to write guys omfg.

Guys follow me on twitter if you'd like: @mikeysdoll4

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