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I went from being the most worshipped guy in school to one of the most hated. I became a wimp, the other guys on the hockey team stood up for me, but I was constantly being thrown around. It was mostly the football team throwing me around, along with Michael's old friends. But Michael was there every time, to throw a punch, to take a hit for me. The worst thing is seeing my boyfriend get hurt.

"Leave my boyfriend the fuck alone before i break your jaw," he said, standing in front of me. A tear fell from my eye. Sometimes the hate was too much to handle.

"Useless fags," one of the guys said, walking away angrily, with everyone else following. Michael turned around and saw me crying.

"Hey, hey, it's ok," he said, wiping the tears from my eyes. Tears flooding from my eyes now, making me release quiet whimpers. I knew it was ok for now. "Babe, please, don't cry, your gonna make me cry, please, i love you," i could tell he was trying his best to hold back tears. I tried to bring myself together, for Michael.

"I don't want you getting hurt, Mikey," i said, rubbing my thumb over his black eye. "I wish i could protect you, i'm such a fucking wimp," i said, inbetween sniffles. I saw a tear fall from his eye. He pulled me into a long hug.

"I'm so, so sorry babe," he said, muffled, as his face dug into my neck and tears soaked my shirt. I wanted to cry, oh did i want to cry. My eyes were watering and the tears i tried so hard to hold back eventually spilled over, my breathing was uneven and i just wanted to hold Michael forever and cry, about everything and nothing. He lifted his head up and let go of the embrace. "Wanna skip the rest of the day with me?" He said, forcing a smile. His puffy eyes were gorgeous, he was gorgeous.

"Lemme get my keys," I said, returning the forced smile and heading to my locker, our hands intertwined.


We layed on his huge couch, it hardly being big enough for the both of us being 6ft. We both were devouring junk food, cuddling, and watching old movies. It's all I ever wanted with Michael. Was to hold him.

I wrapped my long legs around him and brought his face closer to mine. "You're mine. You're actually mine," I said with the dumbest smile on my face. He pulled my arm over him so that I was completely holding him. He was so warm and cuddly. "Kitten, that's my new pet name for you, kitten," I said, giggling.

"Why kitten?" He asked, scrunching his nose a little and giggling.

"Because you're adorable, and cuddly, and warm, and you have the cutest nose, just like a kitten. But maybe cuter," I said, pulling a blankets over us when I saw Michael shivering a bit. He laughed.

"You're so cute Hemmings, "he said, yawning. I knew Michael would fall asleep at this point, which I was fine with. As long as he was in my arms. I kissed his forehead, making him dig his head further into my chest, turning his body towards me.

"Sleep well, kitten."



this was kinda short, but so fun to write. I haven't been able to stop writing, I don't expect this to get a lot of views or anything, this is kinda just for fun.

Bye :)

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