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"Vihaan uncle. You asked me what I want for this Diwali??"

The serious note his neice's voice was a forewarning and Vihaan knew he was not going to like what was coming

She might only be twelve, but she is as difficult and trying as a full fledged teenager could be

She had been sulking in her room ever since his mother had brought Sandhya for a Sunday brunch last week

Sandhya is his father's childhood friend's grand daughter and she is very efficient lawyer too

His mother had had enough of his avoidance of marriage and had took it upon herself to marry him off

Media has termed him a ruthless billionaire who treats woman like trash just because he has never been interested in any woman so far and people believe whatever is written in the cheap tabloids

But Vihaan Malhotra is no playboy

It's not that he is not interested in women

He is

He has been for the past thirteen years.

But the interest has been for only one woman

A woman who probably doesn't even exists

Vihaan sighed. There is no point in delving over what is never going to happen

His future is sitting in front of him now


His parent's choice

He might grow to love her sometimes in the future

If his heart ever stops beating for the girl in his dreams

"Vihaan Uncle?? Are you even listening to me??" There was an accusation in his niece's voice

"Ofcourse sweetheart. Tell me what gift it is you want for this Diwali??" He asked his eyes still on the newspaper he is reading

He saw Sandhya looking at Drishti with a brightly encouraging smile, trying her best to win the girl over

An increasingly futile excercise, Vihaan thought gloomily

"I want my real mother" Drishti said and a silence fell upon breakfast table

Vihaan felt shock rippling through his entire body and his hands clenched onto the newspaper

He was thankful that the paper covered his face from Drishti, so that she wouldn't see his shock

Her real mother??

Was it a try on?? A fantasy?? Or sure knowledge??

He composed his shock and brought a puzzled look onto his face

"I beg your pardon??"

Fierce green eyes scorned his bluff

The same green eyes that haunts his dreams.

The green eyes which he had fallen in love with twice

Once in his dream and the second time when he held his beautiful niece for the first time in his life

"You know uncle. The solicitor must have told you when Mom and Dad died. You couldn't have become my legal guardian without knowing"

Still he tried to play dumb

"What am I supposed to know Drishti??"

"That I'm adopted"

Absolute certainty was stamped all over her face

Magic Of Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now