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Thank-you for the beautiful cover kush Khushworld1234 ❤️

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Thank-you for the beautiful cover kush Khushworld1234 ❤️

I don't see how he could forget you.

Drishti mumbled the same dialogue multiple times during her chat with her real mother

She found it so unacceptable that anyone could forget her oh-so-obviously gorgeous mother

Vihaan felt the same

On no acquaintance at all, he found Divyanshi Trilok unforgettable to a point that she haunted his dreams

Whatever way he looked, it appeared supernatural

He was glad when the lunch arrived

Vihaan forced himself to eat everything on his plate.

It proved, at least to those who look at him, he was handling everything with ease.

Occasionally Drishti called on him to comment on some point of the conversation but Divya never once tried to draw him into it.

He sensed she was wary of him, guarded, perhaps overconscious of his power to call a halt to this meeting and take Drishti away from her.

Or was she as acutely aware of him as he was of her, and hiding it in case it created a problem in future meetings with her daughter?

Was she as attracted to him as he was to her

He was still speculating on this possibility when Drishti turned to him with an eager look

"Vihaan uncle, is it okay for Diya to come over to our house tomorrow. I could show her all my stuff"

"Would you like to Ms Trilok??" He asked wanting her to look at him again

To have her full attention on him again

He wanted to know if the attraction was mutual??

Her eyes met his and his stomach contracted.

Hope, an anguished hope that begged more from him than a casual invitation.

"Yes" she said simply. Then as though belatedly recognising it might be an imposition on his generosity, she flushed and added, "If that's okay with you Mr Malhotra"

"You are welcome" he said

It was the truth.

On more levels than he cared to examine.

He wanted her.

Not in his dreams, but in his flesh and blood life.

She held the promise of things that he had wanted for long

"Thank you."

Her smile was radiant, bathing him in a glow of happiness.

"Call me Vihaan" he commanded

He didn't want this distance between them.

He wanted... God! It was almost impossible to clamp down on his rioting feelings but he managed some semblance of it, smiling back at her and asking

"May I call you Divya??"

The light in her eyes dimmed for a moment as if she was caught in some old hurt

She masked them immediately and smiled at him


He felt as if they starting out on a path that had always been waiting for them

It was overwhelming.

Drishti reclaimed her attention, working out the details of tomorrow's visit.

Vihaan didn't care what was arranged.

Something special had started between him and Divyanshi Trilok.

He knew it in his bones.

In his heart

The determination to pursue it as far as it could go was burning in his heart.

Tomorrow was the next step.

Divya...maybe when he'd called her by her full name she'd momentarily remembered the guy who'd called her Diya.

Vihaan was fiercely glad that her one great love had walked out of her life and never returned, elated that he had this chance at something unbelievably unique in his experience.

Surely she could put that man behind her now.

Thirteen years had passed. Though she hadn't forgotten him. But Drishti had hit the nail on the head.

How could he have forgotten her?

The man had to be a shallow fool, probably breaking hearts wherever he went on his very convenient trip overseas.

Vihaan thought with some irony, that he'd been twenty himself thirteen years ago.

And he'd gone off overseas at the same time, having won a scholarship for further studies at Harvard University in the U.S.

Strange, the little coincidences in life...the man who'd left her...and the man with her now.

Had the two of them met? he wondered.

Had he been shown a photograph of Diya?

He couldn't recall any such incident.

It didn't really matter.

The woman of his dreams was with him in reality. He didn't care what had happened before.

The future was his to make.

And he have every intention to be in her future

He is going to claim the mother daughter duo for himself

But he will have to be gentle in his approach

She very obviously have been hurt in the past and if she had refrained from getting herself into any other relationship, she must have been pretty badly burnt

And she would be wary of getting involved with someone again

He had to assure her that he would there for her

That he wouldn't be like the bastard who had taken advantage of her naivety and love

His resolve strengthened as he saw the mother daughter duo laughing over something

And Drishti wouldn't have to worry about being a Cinderella who would be tortured by the evil step mother

Not that she would have let that happen for even a moment.

If he had married someone she doesn't approve of, she would have become the evil step daughter making the life of her step mother a living hell...

Had Drishti inherited her nature from her father??

For he could clearly see that Divyanshi is sweet natured and mature.

Nothing like Drishti


Hello guys

It's a small shot

Will make the next one longer

Hope you all are enjoying the book

Next update : Tuesday

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And pls do tag your friends and help me promote the book

Love you guys ❤️

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