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5 years later

Diya draped her saree and was about to wear the sindoor when a hand caught hers stopping her

Vihaan took the box of vermilion from her with a charming smile

"Do I have to remind you every day that this is my haqq biwi?" Vihaan asked as he took the vermilion between his thumb and forefinger and applied it on her partition

"I thought you would be busy downstairs with preparations" Diya said smiling contentedly

"I'm never too busy for you love" Vihaan said as he snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her against his chest

"Vihaan. What are you doing?? Someone will come. We have lots of work to do" Diya said trying to wriggle out of his hold

"No one will come. And all works are done. The house is all set for Diwali" Vihaan said before bending down and pecking her on her lips

Vihaan caressed her exposed waist with his fingers earning a light moan from Diya

"Vihaan. Its morning"

"So?? Do I have to wait till night to love my wife??"

Diya wound her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a proper kiss.

He bent his head, brushed his mouth against hers in soft, gentle strokes. His hands shifted, his fingers threading into the spill of her hair so that her head was tilted back and she was captive to his kiss. He kissed her again and again, each kiss tender and sweet and passionate

Vihaan felt her body go soft and limp in his arms, felt the sudden heat of her, and he whispered words of love against her mouth.

Diya swayed forward. Her lips parted; she whimpered as his mouth slanted over hers, hungry now, and demanding.

"Maa ,Paa. They are here" they heard the excited squeal of their daughter and parted from each other

They came out of room to see their four year old daughter Damini running excitedly around Drishti and her friends who had come home for the Diwali long weekend

"Paa ,Maa" Drishti came running and gave them a tight hug

Over the years Drishti had stared calling them Maa and paa and it still fills their heart to hear her calling them that

Vihaan scooped his daughter and twirled her around earning a laugh in return

"Me too paa. Me too" Damini said raising her arms towards her father asking him to twirl her around which he happily obliged

After a hearty diwali feast Drishti's friends sat around Vihaan and Divya looking at them in awe

"You still loved her when you didn't knew who she was??" A girl asked with hearts in her eyes

"Yes" Vihaan said indulgently

"And you kept loving him for thirteen years even when you were apart??" Another girl asked Diya

"I did" Diya said with a smile

Drishti had a smug look on her face

"And guess who brought them back together after thirteen long years" Drishti asked earning an eye roll from her friends

Ever since the first day in the boarding school Drishti kept throwing around smugly that she is a wonderful matchmaker who brought her star crossed lover parents together after more than a decade

They were graduating from school this year and so they had been going over for stay to everyone's home for each weekend before going their separate ways to college

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