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Drishti walked to the front door, pausing before she made her exit to sweep them both with another grin, her eyes twinkling like stars. "Happy Diwali" she called out. Then off she went down the hallway singing

As Drishti went out of sight, Vihaan's hands slid around Divyaa and turned her around to face him, making her heart flutter wildly

"Thank you.Thank you for being you, for having my child and giving her to me. But above everything else, thank you for waiting for me, Diya"

"Oh Vihaan" Relief gushed through her. The love in his voice was unmistakable. "I'm sorry I gave up on you. I..."

"No..." He placed a finger on her lips, hushing the stream of regret "I was wrong. You don't have anything to answer for.God knows I've seen enough, been with you enough to appreciate, in some small measure, how it's been for you. I'm sorry I got so screwed up about being left out."

"Well, at least I'm not too young for you anymore."

He frowned, pained by the reminder.

"I don't know that you ever were. Some feelings go beyond any sensible reasoning. Om said if I'd had my mind on surfing, the accident wouldn't have happened. Maybe I was thinking of coming back to you and that was what the dream meant"

Twice he'd spoken of dreaming about her. Divya's curiosity was piqued.

"What happened in your dream?"

An ironic smile cleared the frown.

"It was mostly like last night, you waiting on the beach for me, facing out to sea. You never spoke, yet I'd feel you were calling me. I'd set out to reach you and when I got close, you'd turn around as though you'd heard me coming and your face would light up in welcome. Then my legs wouldn't move any more. I'd stand helplessly, watching you fade away."

"How strange!" she murmured. "Sometimes, especially after a walk on the beach, I'd have a restless night. I'd lie in the dark, thinking of you, how I used to stand at the water's edge, watching you ride your board or windsurf. I guess, in my heart, I was calling to you Vihaan"

They stared at each other, awed by the need that had spanned time and distance, calling from soul to soul.

Vihaan sighed, his eyes turning rueful.

"I wish I'd known how to answer. If not for Drishti finding out about you and wanting to meet her real mother..."

"She's wonderful, isn't she?"

He smiled. "Very much like her mother."

"And her father. She's got your hair..."

"Your eyes."

She laughed, happiness bubbling up and brimming over.

"Isn't it marvellous we can now be her parents? Oh!" She winced as the thought of Anjali and Rahul Singhania hit her. "I didn't mean...I wasn't being glad about what happened to your sister and brother-in-law, Vihaan. It was just..."

"I know." He pulled her closer, warming her with his body. "It was good of you to say what you said to Drishti, considering the selfish judgment my sister made."

"It wasn't entirely selfish" Divya quickly protested, so happy to be where she was, nothing else mattered. "Your sister was thinking of you, wanting you to be a success."

He shook his head.

"She was thinking of what she wanted for me, not what I wanted, Diya"

"Still, you've been very successful with your career" she argued, not wanting him to harbour ill feelings toward a woman who had given him and Drishti so much. "You must be pleased about that. You like your work. I can tell."

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