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"Two Irish coffees coming up" Vihaan announced as he came out to the verdandh

As soon as she saw him, her hard won sense of peace shattered and her heart started gallopping again

She tried hard to get herself under control

He set the tray of coffee on the small tea table and took a seat next to her

"This is life. Far from the maddening crowd of the city and pressures of business. Sun, sand and surf. Nothing could beat it for a wonderful holiday" Vihaan said and took a sip of the coffee

Divyanshi smiled

That hadn't changed for him

"It must be very stressful being the CEO and leading a multi million dollar empire" Divya said smiling

She is so proud of him. Of what he have become with his own hardwork

"Well, I have my moments. But it's what I'm trained for" Vihaan said

"Then it was worth going to Harvard." She said

His head snapped around.

"How do you know I went to Harvard?"

Divya's heart rate increased in panic. The comment had slipped out and now she had to answer for it.

She quickly busied herself, stirring a cube of sugar into her coffee while her mind frantically searched for an acceptable explanation.

She could say Drishti had mentioned it...??

Too risky.

He could check with her.

Impossible to claim reading it in an article. She had no idea if any story had ever been printed on him.

What else would work...except the truth?

"Your sister told me" she said avoiding his sharp gaze, sitting back in her chair and holding the mug of coffee to her lips, ready to sip.

"Anjali di? Why would she tell you about me?"

Divya's brain moved into crisis mode

"I wanted to know about the family that would become my baby's family" she said keeping her tone even

"I wanted to ask you about how you met di. From what little I know, this adoption did not through regular channels"

He wasn't going to leave it alone.

She had to satisfy his curiosity without revealing his paternity.

And she have to keep it as close to truth as it is

"I was sent away to live with my step mother's sister in Mumbai as she was ashamed of me getting pregnant at such a young age. And I point blank refused to abort my baby. The doctor who did my check ups was also your sister's doctor. I was booked into a hospital which was a regular channel for adoption. Your sister knew the person who could arrange for my baby to be adopted by her."

"Are we talking bribery here?"

"I don't know. You asked for the connections. Those were the connections made I know about"

"Go on" he invited tersely, not liking what he was hearing.

"At first, I didn't want to give up my baby."

"Are you saying my sister and this person coerced you?" he asked clearly upset.

Divya shook her head in a no.

He was shocked, angry, and there seemed no point in stirring bad feelings.

It was too late to change anything and Anjali and Rahul Singhani had been good parents to Drishti.

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