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The name kept echoing through Vihaan's mind as though it belonged to this moment, belonged to the incredible magic of their union.

"Divyanshi" he said out loud, trying to drive away the echo, override it.


"I could not have dreamed what we've shared" he murmured, raising himself from her embrace to brush his lips over hers in tender tribute to her generous loving. "It goes beyond dreams."

He rolled onto his side, taking her with him, tucking one arm around her so she lay on his chest, her legs still entangled with his in close intimacy.

She felt so right, perfect, as though she'd been made especially for him.

How could she have loved another man?

There'd never been any other woman like her for him.

"It's a miracle" she whispered, her warm breath fanning his skin, making it tingle. "A Diwali miracle." He could hear the happy smile in her voice.



The special name stirred an unease, a sense of wrongness he tried to resist, but it persisted.

He remembered watching the grieving look on her face, hearing the sad heartache in her voice as she'd recounted how Drishti's real father had used to call her Diyaa

Then what did her words tonight mean.. You're the man I've been longing for?

They'd only met a little over a week ago.

Yet her other words to him also suggested waiting for a much longer span of time...

I thought you'd never come.

Haunting words...focused on him, yet not making any real sense in the reality of their short acquaintance.

Her being in his dreams all these years made no sense, either.

He stroked the long silky hair he'd seen so often in those dreams and never been allowed to touch.

He played it through his fingers, real hair, as real as she was.

She snuggled into a more comfortable position and sighed her contentment. After passion, the peace, he thought. Sweet dreams...

She was beautiful, inside and out, just as he'd always felt she would be, his fantasy woman come to life. And still he didn't know how the fantasy had begun.

He cast through his memory, trying to recall how far back it had gone.

Not school days.

Not during his year at the college in Delhi.

Then there was that blank spot before he went to Harvard, due to that damned surfboard cracking his skull.

The dream had been part of that.

After the blank spot.

A nasty little frisson ran down Vihaan's spine. His mind instinctively shied away from the thought that hit it.

But it stuck.

The blank spot incorporated the Diwali period.

Thirteen years ago.


"Diyaa.. " the knock on the door woke her from her undisturbed sleep

How long it had been that she had slept so peacefully

Magic Of Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now