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Warning : This work is purely fictional. You might find certain things illogical... Read at your own risk 😂

Vihaan stared at the ceiling, sleep far away at the moment

He revelled in the feeling that something incredible had entered his life

Divyanshi Trilok seems to offer him everything he had wanted in a woman

The problem was, he couldn't be sure how much the dreams of her were influencing him.

Was this compelling attraction wish-driven or substantially real?

The feelings she evoked in him were so strong and so fast, he'd barely held back the temptation to push the connection as far as he could tonight

He'd grabbed the excuse of Drishti's early rising tomorrow to keep his desires in check

He wanted her.

He wanted to hold her and keep holding her and absorb every part of her and it was killing him to clamp down on the urges raging through him.

If there were only the two of them to consider, nothing would hold him back, but Drishti was involved too closely with this relationship for him to make hasty moves.

The wisest thing to do was to wait.

Divya was not going anywhere.

He had to be sure that whatever he did was right for all of them.

It was definitely the sensible thing to do.

But sensibility seems to disappear when Divyanshi is around

Each time he was with her he felt drawn into a passion that stimulated his body and intoxicated his mind.

The irony was he'd wanted the magic.

Now he was feeling it, the experience was both an exquisite pleasure and a torment.

For a moment tonight, when she'd mentioned Harvard, he thought they might have met there.

However unlikely it was that he could have forgotten it, at least it would have been an answer to how she'd come to infiltrate his dreams.

The other thing that struck him odd was her comment, What do I know of the man you are now?

Maybe his sister might have talked about him, yet it felt too personal to be second hand knowledge

All his instincts were screaming there was something he should know about Divyanshi Trilok and if he just reached out far enough it would come to him.

Could there be a chance that he had met her during his sabbatical, of which he has no memory of

If yes, wouldn't she tell him??

And hadn't his friends who accompanied him on the trip tell him nothing important had happened during the trip when he had asked them time and again if he was missing something, as he was tormented by dreams which didn't make any sense

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door clicking and the floor creaking

Someone is awake??

Divyanshi?? Or Drishti??

Then silence

No creak of the someone coming back to their room

Curiosity turned to concern and he rose from his bed to look out

He checked the house quickly and found no one

Magic Of Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now