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Vihaan stared at the retreating back of the mother daughter duo

Drishti had claimed her mother all for herself and Vihaan felt a stab of envy for his niece

Divyanshi had looked beautiful today. But then she is always beautiful

Her green eyes, when locked with his for that single moment when she greeted him, had spiked up the emotions that had been running through him ever since he met her

Sandhya cleared her throat to gain his attention and he flushed lightly

Sandhya had dropped in an hour before.

Drishti had been around and they couldn't talk anything yet

Now that his niece is in her room with her mother, it's time he talked Sandhya about their relationship

"Sandhya... "

"Yes Vihaan"

"We need to talk"

"Oh. I was about to say the same thing." Sandhya said

"You go ahead" Vihaan said

"No. I would better hear you first. That would give me time to sort out my words too" Sandhya said with a chuckle

Well!! What's the point of waiting

"I don't think this would work between us Sandhya. I know our parents wants this very much. But this is going to be our life and I don't think I would be able to make you happy" Vihaan said and looked at the calm face of Sandhya

"I understand Vihaan. I have been thinking about the same thing the entire night" Sandhya said and Vihaan sighed in relief

He wouldn't have a scorned woman in his conscience

"The thing is I met someone yesterday" Sandhya continued

"Oh that's great" Vihaan said smiling

"Someone from my past Vihaan. I had an affair with a married man three years ago. People might judge me for that, but you certainly can't decide who you fall in love with. It just happens. And it happened to me" Sandhya said

Though, he abhors extra marital affairs, he won't judge Sandhya

"He wasn't happy in the marriage. I know that's the classic dialogue every married man who indulges in an extra marital affair says. But I have seen things which proved his claims. I know that's no excuse. But as I said. Hearts knows what it wants"

"I understand"

"Three months into our affair, he said he is getting divorced. And few days later his wife came to me claiming that she is pregnant and to leave her husband alone. He told me they don't have any relationship after he met me. And I felt betrayed. That might sound very hypocritical when I'm the other woman in their marriage, but it didn't hurt any less. And I left" Sandhya said and the pain in her eyes were very clear to Vihaan

"So you met him yesterday?? What about his wife and child??"

"He is divorced and there was no baby. She lied to get me out of their life and I didn't wait to talk it out with Uday. He had been looking for me for a while now. And yesterday we talked. I want to give it a try again. I was worried how you would take it. But I'm glad we are on the same page"

"I'm happy for you Sandhya"

"Vihaan. Open your heart for someone. I don't really know what happened to you. We practically grew up together. And you were a hit among the girls. The accident changed you in many ways. Try to move on from that" Sandhya said and Vihaan smiled

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