shot 5

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Vihaan couldn't get her smile out of his head

Her face lightning up as if thousands of diyas are lit on a diwali night. He felt as if a hundred diwalis had come at once

And the smile felt like a jolt of recognition

Recognition of what?? He has no idea

He doesn't believe in the stupidity having known each other in the previous lives

Or the crap about star crossed lovers taking rebirths to reunite with their lover

He felt suffocated as the feelings were so strong

What is so special about her

Yes, she is a beautiful woman

But he has seen many beautiful women in his life

He had woman throw themselves at his feet even before he made his first million

So what is so different about this particular woman

He was finding this meeting so damn disturbing and he want it to end soon

The purpose of the visit was to know whether or not she would be welcoming of the idea of meeting the daughter she gave up years ago

Now, there is no question about that

The memorabilia of Drishti's life on her bedroom wall is answer enough

"Are you free this Saturday for a lunch??" Vihaan asked

Another beautiful smile. He felt like someone kicked him hard in the gut

"Anyday. Anywhere. Anytime" she said eagerly

"Don't you work??" He asked frowning. It sounded care free

"I run my own business" came the reply with a touch of pride

"What do you do?"

"I have contracts with hotels and restaurants and event management companies to do their floral arrangement"


He glanced at the piece of floral art on the coffee table

"You did this??" He asked


"It's beautiful" and another smile made a way to her face


"Do you know the Harbor Restaurant near the opera house" he asked


"Great. I will book a table for twelve o'clock"

He stood up with a smile

"I must take your leave now. Drishti would be waiting for me. She wouldn't go to bed until she get the news regarding this meet"

"Sure. Please tell her that I'm looking forward to meet her" the hopeful smile on her face tugged at his heart.

What is with this woman and his heart??

"I would suggest not to expect too much Divyanshi. She is going through a rebellious phase now. All because of a suggestion of boarding school. Wanting to meet you is a part of that." He said and her smile dimmed

And he wanted to kick himself for being the cause of that

He felt like an ogre who kick puppies

Then she gave him a smile, which didn't reach her eyes

"Whatever happens in the future, I will have a little time with her. That's all that matters. Even if it is only this Saturday lunch, I would cherish it till the day I die. Thank-you for making this happen Mr Malhotra. Meeting my daughter is a dream come true for me. I will always be grateful to you." She said

Any crumb from the table was better than nothing

That depressing thought plagued him while he drove away

It was heartwrenching to see so little mean so much

He had never thought of what a woman might have felt while giving up a baby for adoption

He always thought the mother must be pretty insensitive to give up their own child

He never realised how traumatic it could be

He wondered what must have forced her to give up her baby

Was she pressured into sacrificing her baby

Did her parents felt their daughter's pregnancy out of wedlock shaming and refused to support her

Ofcourse. That must have been the case

Indian society is very backward in that case

How old must she have been when she had Drishti

She looked to be in her late twenties

So that means the she was barely sixteen or seventeen when she gave birth to her child

What of the man who got her pregnant??

Did he refuse to stand by her side

He felt an illogical urge to hunt the creep down and kick him to death

How could he take advantage of a teen-ager like that??

And leave her to deal with the consequences on her own

I gave her up because I thought it best for her.

Such sad, hopeless words.

He wished he could make things better

But how???


It's a short update

Actually it's the continuation of last shot that I missed somehow

Will make the next shot longer

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Love you ❤️

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