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Vihaan stared at his niece skipping away and let out a breath of relief

At last!! Some alone time with Divyanshi Trilok

No woman had ever shielded herself from his so determinedly

Infact, at the risk of sounding pompous, woman had been throwing themselves at his feet and he had had to fight them off with a broomstick

He had never felt so frustrated and intrigued at the same time with someone

At least, today he had got a chance to make her relax with him

All thanks to Drishti

The little minx had been prodding and plotting to make them rearrange their lives to give her what she wanted in the most convenient way possible

Anyone could smell what her intentions were from a mile away

One day, he would have to teach her the subtle art of subtlety

With her too obvious schemes she had been driving Divya away from him instead of bringing them closer

Now that Drishti is gone, he had to tackle the problem and make her at ease with him

"It's just natural, you know, for Drishti to want us to be together" he said

"I'm sorry. It must make things awkward for you"

"I can take it Divya. She is smart. She would see reason in the end"

She looked at him apprehensively

"Please don't think that I'm encouraging her in this...this fantasy"

"Divya it's very plain to me that you are not. Relax"

The anxiety in her voice was painful for him

"Please stop worrying over it Divya"

There was no relief in her eyes.

He tried to think of what other assurance he could give to ease her concerns.

More than anything he needed her to open up to him.

Then he'd have something to work on with.

"It's easy for you to say that. You have the power to take her away from me if all these becomes too much for you" Divya said

The shock of what had been playing in her mind stopped him on his tracks.

She continued walking and he held her wrists stopping her

"You can't think I would be such a heartless monster"

She stood still, absolutely still for several seconds, long enough for him to recollect himself and realise she was holding her breath, frightened to move.

He hastily loosened his grip and moved towards her

"Divyaa... " Her eyes were unfocused, unseeing, staring straight through him.

He grasped her other arm, tempted to shake her


"What do I know of you... of the man you are now?" She asked, her voice barely a whisper

An uneasy feeling crawled down his spine

What did she mean by now??

As though she knows the old him

Had they somehow met in some other life

He shook his head to get rid off that idea

He would be damned if he was going over those stupid rebirths and supernatural stuff again

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