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Vihaan engaged Drishti in a conversation while Divya had her breakfast

Watching the two of them together ,so alike in more ways than they realised, was heartwarming

Is it wise of her to leave the past in the past??

It felt wrong for Vihaan not to know he was Drishti's father.

She shouldn't keep such a special, flesh and blood bond from him. From either of them. They both had a right to know.

Telling him was not going to be easy, particularly after she had skated over the facts of the adoption last night.

Her reasoning for holding back had seemed right at the time

She didn't want to burden him with a truth he'd find disturbing and painful, considering the part his sister had played in taking responsibility from him, the long-played deceit that had denied him his true relationship with his own child.

However, the circumstances were different now.

Vihaan felt the same about her as he had all those years before and Sandhya Rathore was out of the picture.

Now she wouldn't be putting any sense of obligation or guilt on him now they had come together again.

No one was blaming him for what had happened.

He would surely understand that.

He would help her tell Drishti.

Doing it together-both of her real parents-would probably be the least traumatic way, with explanations smoothed by putting more emphasis on the future than the past.

She would discuss it with Vihaan tonight.

"Have you finished Diya??" Drishti asked eagerly

"Ready to go" Divya rose from her seat with a smile as she reached for her camera

"Great! Let's move!" She took Divya's free hand and led her toward the door and turned to look at Vihaan

"Don't be such a snail uncle. Come fast"

Divya shot him a laughing glance and was surprised by the grim look on his face.

His eyes caught hers. and he instantly lightened his expression, though not quite enough to completely erase the dark turbulence she saw in them.

Something was troubling him.

Something he didn't like.

She wondered about it as they left the house and took the walk through the village.

Soon they reached the market and the people all greeted the new owner of the island with an enthusiastic smile

Drishti broke away from them examining all the things on display

Divya hung back and snapped pictures of her daughter until she protested

"Gosh, Diya! You're as bad as Mum, taking millions of photos of everything. You're missing the fun of shopping"

The words rolled out naturally and Divya thought nothing of them, content to put her camera away and join them.

Vihaan, however, reacted strongly.

"Take as many photographs as you want, Divya" he commanded, the dark turbulence flaring into his eyes.

He turned sharply to Drishti.

"You know about the packet of photographs your Mum sent to Divya??"

She nodded, disturbed by his abrupt change of mood.

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