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As soon as Vihaan entered his apartment Drishti fell upon him with a barrel of questions

"What is she like?? Is she pretty?? Does she want to meet me?? Did you set up a meeting??"

"Yes to your last three questions. Now please hold on for a moment" Vihaan said pulling her hyperactive body back off him and settling her a pace away

Her face radiated excitement, hands waving like a baby, ponytail swinging, her glittering green eyes- Divyanshi Trilok's eyes stabbing into him, desperate for information

"Don't be a spoil sport Uncle Vihaan.I'm dying to know all about her"

"Let me pay Mrs Soodh first"

Janaki Soodh, a woman in mid fifties, is Drishti's nanny.

"Vihaan beta. You are back??" The woman smiled warmly at him

"Yes Janaki aunty. Was there any calls for me in the landline aunty?? My phone seems to have been out of network coverage during the journey"

"Oh yes. Sandhya had called. No one else"

"Okay. I will call her back tomorrow" Vihaan said

Janaki smiled and turned to a restless Drishti

"I will see you tomorrow Drishti. Don't keep dancing around the house disturbing your uncle, okay??"

"I will be on bed, once I dig out all the information about my real mother Jaanima" Drishti said

Dig was the operative word

She attacked him as soon as the door closed behind Janaki Soodh

"Let me make a coffee for myself Drishti" he said as he walked towards the kitchen earning a huff from his niece

He grinned.

He is getting on her nerves, like she had been for a while now

Once his coffee was ready, he plopped himself on a couch and proceeded to give her a lecture on what was acceptable behavior and what was not when she meets her mother

"Okay okay. I will be on my best behavior" Drishti said rolling her eyes

Where had she learned that from?? He shook his head in disbelief

"You don't want your real mother to think that your Mom was not good at raising you, do you Drishti"

"I will make Dad and Mom proud uncle" she said in a low voice and Vihaan pulled his niece into the warmth of his arms

"What should I wear?? Will she like me?? Do you know what her favorite color is?? Should I buy her a gift??" She shot a barrel of questions at her

"Drishti, honey. I'm happy that you are all excited to meet your real mother. But you are meeting her so that you both could get to know each other. Do not turn it into a battle ground" he said sternly

"What do you mean?" She asked fiddling with her fingers

"Meet your mother. Talk about your likes and dislikes. Share your memories. But do not try to turn her against me. Do not bring up the topic of boarding school."

"I won't" she said looking down, which clearly says that she had planned to

"Baby, do not make her feel like you are using her. Meeting you is like a dream come true for her. I saw her home. Her bedroom. Her room is filled with your photos. It felt like I had a quick walk through your entire life while I stepped into her room." Vihaan said gently

Drishti just hummed

"Honey, you are going to meet someone who is highly sensitive about the baby she had to give up. Whatever happens, take care not to hurt her" Vihaan said

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