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Not knowing was killing him

He knew that he had unsettled Divya with his brooding

Well, she wouldn't have the slightest idea as to was eating him up and he couldn't just blurt it out

If she realised what he was thinking and if he was wrong, she would think he had lost his marbles imagining himself to be her one great love

He didn't want to confuse her feelings for him. But...he had to know!

He paced the living room impatient to get a little time to himself so that he could make the much needed phone call

If anyone would know the critical details of what had happened to him that Diwali season thirteen years ago, Omkara and Aditya had the inside track.

They'd been with him from the start to the end of the vacation and they had told him nothing worth mentioning had happened during the trip

Is there any point in asking them again??

What is he going to lose anyway??

The sculptures set along the corner Divya had set up to do the pooja caught his eyes and he stopped struck by the irony of it all

Another Diwali

Tonight they would be lighthing all the diyas around the house


He shook his head, wanting this burden lifted.

As soon as Divya and Drishti reappeared in their swimming costumes he would send them off to the beach ahead of him.

And damn his old friends to hell if they could not be reached!

"The rangoli design you did in the patio is beautiful Diya"

Vihaan spun around. They were here. The sight of Divya in a body-hugging swimsuit took his breath away. Her skin was tanned and glowed like silk, compelling the need to touch. And her legs, her beautiful long legs...the feeling of them winding around him, tangling intimately with his was instantly triggered again, setting his heart pounding, pumping desire into a flood of wanting.

"You haven't changed into your swimmers." Drishti's accusing voice dragged his gaze to her.

"I put them on under my shorts earlier" he answered distractedly.

"Well, come on then" she urged.

"I'll follow you. I've just remembered a call I should make."

She groaned. "You promised no business during the vacation"

"I won't be long."

"But we need you to bring the windsurfer down."

He shook his head. "Not enough breeze for it yet. Best to wait until after lunch. We'll try it then."

Drishti sighed in disappointment

Divya gently squeezed Drishti's shoulder. "Let's not trouble Vihaan. I'm dying for a swim."

Drishti's face broke into a cheeky grin. "Last one into the water is a rotten egg."

She dashed off with Divya following her laughing

Vihaan was drawn to follow as far as the veranda, watching the two of them running over the sand.

Divyanshi...the woman of his dreams, gloriously real and tangible and part of his life now.

Drishti...her ponytail swinging, so many likenesses to his side of the family. Was she his daughter?

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