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"Miss Trilok?? Divyanshi Trilok??"

His husky voice struck the old familiar feelings that had lain dormant all these years

Yet he didn't know her

He didn't recognize her

She could see that

He would have called her Diya. It had been his name for her

"Yes" she said affirming her identity

Her heart bleeding at conforming what his sister had told her all those years ago was true, when she had denied Divya access to her baby's father

An accident had wiped out all his memory of a phase of his life

A phase he shared with her.

And by the time she had reached out, he had already left the country for higher studies on a scholarship, and she had no way of testing if it was true or not

Yet she had believed it to be true.

Because believing otherwise would have made her even more miserable

And believing otherwise felt like a betrayal to their love

Now the evidence was in front of her

Miss Divyanshi Trilok with a question mark?

Yet shouldn't there be a gut memory?? A fraction of what she was feeling??

"My name is Vihaan Malhotra"

He paused and she saw his Adam's apple bobbing up and down as if he is trying to gather his thoughts and concentrate on the purpose of his visit

It surely wasn't prompted by any memory of her, was it??

If not, what could it be??

It could only be related to Drishti

"I'm Anjali Singhania's brother"

"Yes." She nodded numbly "You must have come to talk about Drishti.The envelope ,I mean. I was supposed to get that a fortnight ago"

"I understand .May I come in?? There is a lot to explain" he said

Divyanshi nodded, too numb to speak

This man and his child had dominated her thoughts for the past thirteen years

And to have him physically in front of her was too overwhelming

"Is Drishti alright?" The question burst from her as she walked shakily towards the couch

"Yes. Couldn't be any healthier" he assured her quickly

She sagged in relief. His eyebrows furrowed in concern

"I'm sorry you were worried. Your daughter is fine Ms Trilok"

Her eyes welled up at the acknowledgement - your daughter

No one here knows about her past other than Payal, a very close friend who works with her at the flower shop. It was a private part of her life.

"Thank-you" she managed huskily

He sat there looking at her intensely

For a heart catching moment she saw the twenty year old Vihaan Malhotra who was as enraptured by her as she was by him

The air between them charged as if nothing exists in the world other than them

How stupid of her to think nothing changed

Magic Of Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now