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Divyanshi strolled slowly along the lake side.

She is far too early for the lunch with Vihaan and Drishti

If she had stayed at her apartment for a moment longer, she would have succumbed to the anxiety that had led her to change her outfit four times already

She had tried to think what a twelve year old would like to see her mother in

Smart and classy, soft and feminine, casual and approachable, bright and boldly chic...there were so many looks one might present

Finally after so long. She had settled for the vanity

She is wearing a lemon yellow colored short sleeved top and a long skirt, emerald green in color, matching her eyes

And however foolish it might sound, she wanted Vihaan to take a second look at her.. A long second look

Vihaan might not remember this, but today was the anniversary of their first meet. Thirteenth anniversary.

If he could only see her with the same eyes as then, the magical connection could happen again, couldn't it?

As she reached near the deck, she spotted Vihaan, leaning against the railing.

His profile was in the view and their daughter standing next to him

She stopped to stare at the two most important people in her life, to her heart's content

Her baby had grown into girlhood

She was tall for her age. She was wearing a lime green jeans teamed up with a white shirt that has lemon yellow floral works

Drishti obviously likes bright colors. Divyanshi sighed in relief at the thought of her choice of colors fitting with that of her daughter's

A movement caught her eyes and she saw Vihaan turning and looking in her direction

Their eyes met

He Stiffened

The impact of recignition scremed through every cell of her body

Did he feel it too??

Had she struck some cord of memory in him this time??

He stared at her as though she was a mirage and he still couldn't believe it

Then he visibly shook himself out of the hyonitic state and touched Drishti's shoulder and said something

The girl instantly turned around ,her eyes wandering, her face screaming excitement and anticipation

Divya's legs started moving and she walked faster. In an attempt to reach her child

"I'm here" she said and Drishti looked at her and her eyes widened in awe

Divya wanted to gather her child in her arms and kiss all over her face

They both stood frozen staring at each other, emotions running high

It was Vihaan who moved, stepping out as though in warning to Divyanshi to hold back a little, approach more slowly.

Divya sobered lightly at that

She was a stranger to her child, a stranger who had to win her trust and love.

Tears blurred her eyes as she tried to contain her emotions

A smile. That could be a start

She could love her child through a smile

"Drishti, this is your mother... Divyanshi Trilok" came a gentle introduction from Vihaan

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