shot 4

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This shot is dedicated to my sou sou souji28

Happy birthday darling ❤️

Vihaan picked her up and cradled her against his chest

A pins and needle sensation attacked his body as soon as he toucher her

It wasn't the effort of carrying her weight. She is feather light

It was the way she seemed to nestle in his arms,the way her head dropped onto his shoulders as though they belonged there

His brain couldn't contemplate his feelings

It's too crazy...too beyond rational explanation

He had never seen her before. He is sure about that

Her eyes being same as Drishti's isn't an explanation either

Drishti is a child

Divyanshi is a woman

How did a woman he had never seen before, get to walk through his dreams

And to have her materialise in front of him.. In flesh and blood... Every line of her hauntingly familiar

How illogical is that??

Vihaan was hopelessly distracted from the purpose of his visit ever since he saw her

And in his agitation, he was insensitive in revealing the facts to her

It's clear as day that she was worried about not receiving the envelope from Anjali and he had added to her stress by revealing about their death

He grimaced. Here she was unconscious and he was still caught up in how she affected him

The sofa in the living room is a two seater, too small for someone to stretch

So he walked towards the only bedroom in the apartment and gently laid her on the bed

She was beginning to stir by the time he lowered her onto the bed

He should probably get her a glass of water. With that thought he glanced around the room to check whether there is water, only to get another shock

The walls of the bedroom were covered with Drishti's photographs

From since she was a baby to right upto her last birthday

Vihaan had already seen all these photos, but seeing them here, displayed in this manner tugged another string of his heart

The overwhelming display of the collection indicates a certain kind of obsession

But heyy, who is he to blame her

The woman had to give up her baby because of circumstances.

Drishti's pleas... If my real mother wants me...sounds such an understatement in the face of this visual evidence of the level of wanting

Divyanshi Trilok would certainly want her baby

Moral and legal rights started having a fight in his head

Legally, the woman has no rights over his niece

Morally ,on the other hand, this woman had given birth to his niece.

"I must have fainted" she croaked in surprise

Her voice startled him from his shocked stillness

"Yes. You still look a little pale. I will get you a glass of water" he said


Divya didn't want Vihaan to think that she is a weakling, that she can't cope with difficult situations

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