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As if a thousand diyas are lit on a diwali night. As if a hundred diwalis had come at once

Vihaan stared at her, captivated by that image.

Realising how uncannily accurate it was

Isn't that how he felt when he saw her smile

And today when he saw her standing among the crowd, staring straight at him

What was that energy that passed between them

The energy that caused an electric sensation to pass through his spine

He stared, wishing he could read her mind

Wishing she wasn't such an enigma to him

She was still affecting him

And it was not a simple physical attraction.

There was some kind of recognition he could feel in his heart

The only way to deal with it was to wait for her to reveal more about her

Whoever Drishti's real father was, he'd undoubtedly been a smooth-tongued bastard to come up with that apt and evocative description.

It was all too clear that the lover boy had taken his merry ride and left her pregnant

Looking at the wistful look on her face, the lingering memory of him in her mind, Vihaan had no trouble in believing that she had fallen for the guy like a ton of bricks

Then the harsh realities of being left with a baby must have fallen on her like another ton of bricks.

She must have been just a kid. Innocent, naive, trusting, caught up in the romantic excitement, falling in love for the first time

The odd thing was, she didn't sound bitter about it.

It's as if she still cherishes all those memories of him

Drishti heaved a huge, sentimental sigh over the romantic story. "I think that's lovely" she softly gushed. "Thank you for telling me, Diya"

Divyanshi's face lit up as she looked at her daughter

"It was the best Diwali of my life until then. Meeting you today is the most wonderful thing that has happened to me since then"

"But there must have been good times in between" Drishti was appalled at the idea of twelve Diwalis passing by without anything to be happy about

Diwali meant a great deal to her. One of her favorite festive season

Her entire family used to be together during Diwalis

Her birthday being the same time, another reason to enjoy the season

To think that her real mother had never enjoyed it for the last twelve diwalis was disheartening for her

"Don't you have a family to go??" Drishti asked in concern

"My mother died when I was eight. My father remarried when I was twelve. He was swept off rocks by a big wave while fishing and drowned when I was fourteen.Which left me with my stepmother" Divyanshi said with a sad shake of her head

"You didn't like her??" Drishti asked curiously

"We didn't get on very well." The reply was clearly understated.

Drishti flashed a pointed look at Vihaan.

The message was loud and clear. She didn't want a stepmother.

Magic Of Love [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now