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God!! He had forgotten all about her

The lights in the house is on

Is she hiding behind a window and looking out at them.

He can't put it past her. Eavesdropping happens to be her favorite hobby

And if she had witnessed this scene, she would have been so happy thinking all her matchmaking skills had come to fruitation

He suddenly realised Divya had stopped crying.

Probably too drained to move.

Or maybe it felt good for her to be held. By him. He hoped so.

The thought of kissing her crept into his mind. The temptation was strong

You should ease her fears Vihaan. Not increase them

The last thing he wanted was to alarm her into being skittish with him again, shying away from any contact.

"Drishti" she jerked back from him and looked around

"Don't worry. She must be asleep by now"

"Uh.. I'm sorry" she looked down in embarrassment

"Don't be. I'm sorry I had put you in such a turmoil. I had no idea you thought you are on a trial with us. That's not how it is Divya. I promise"

"I completely lost it." Still embarrassed, she started shifting backwards, creating distance between them again.

Not wanting to let her go, he immediately caught her hand in his grasp and walked towards the house

"What you need is nice coffee to sooth all your nerves. And I'm a pro at coffee making" Vihaan said with a wink

"I know" she smiled

"You do??" He asked and he felt her tensing for a moment

"I mean, Drishti did mention it in between" she said

"Wow. So I have got the certificate from Her Highness Drishti Singhania. Now you will definitely have to taste it. I can highly recommend it as a restorative as well as a relaxing agent."

"You are very kind" she said softly

"Hold on. Which means I'm not a callous monster anymore??" He asked in mock surprise

"I'm sorry about that" she said embarrassed

She was tagging along with him, letting him hold her hand.

He kept his grip steady, elated at this small victory.

"Once we are settled with the coffee, we can discuss our plans for the holiday"

"You know? Last year with di and jiju gone and their deaths happening very close to it, we had a miserable Diwali. This year, because we have you with us..." A family again, he thought, his grin unashamedly showing delight in the idea. "...We'll have a wonderful Diwali with millions of diyaas lit all over"

Her feet faltered.

She stared at him, an arrested look on her face

As if a thousand diyas are lit on a diwali night. As if a hundred diwalis had come at once

Then he realised what he'd said...Diyaa...and the primal male inside him rose rampant, determined to fight his way to her heart.


Not him.


Vihaan left her hands and she quickly walked towards the house

Her heart was running a marathon

The way he looked when he said diyaa.

The way he looked at her. It was as if she had travelled back in time

But he didn't know

He didn't realise

Yet how could he look at her like that without feeling what he'd felt all those years ago?

Was it happening again?

Her heart pounded against her ribs at the thought of Vihaan feeling all those things he felt for her thirteen years ago

Then the dampening thought of Sandhya Rathore wormed it's way into her brain and held reign

However unreal the other woman seemed right now, she definitely does exist in Vihaan Malhotra's life

She somehow reached the verandah of the house

"Why don't you sit here. I will get the coffee. Relax" he said and walked inside

He was being kind, giving her time to recover her composure after her crying jag.

"Thank-you Vihaan" she smiled

"Won't be long" he said and walked inside

She watched him go inside

A man who cared about others' feelings

A kind man, no different from the Vihaan she'd known so intimately.

She should have realised those ingrained qualities of character wouldn't change however rich he had become.

Had anything changed, apart from the one vital loss of memory?

Sandhya Rathore... Her brain screamed at her

Sandhya might be left behind at home, but the doesn't means she would be forgotten

They might not be formally engaged yet, but Drishti had told her that Vihaan plans to marry her

Nevertheless, they weren't married yet.

Was it bad of her to think that? To want another woman's man?

A fiercely primitive wave of possessiveness tore through her.... he was mine first!

And he wasn't indifferent to her.

Apart from his words of caring, the way he'd held her while she'd cried had just proved that he cared.

Then taking her hand afterward, looking at her with that special sparkle in his eyes....

How would he react if she told him Drishti was his daughter

Anjali Singhania had told her years ago that thr doctors had advised not to force him to remember anything. To let him regain his memory on his own

But that hadn't happened and Divya in now way was willing to jeopardise with his health

And it wasn't fair on him either

It would make him feel guilty if she told him. Did she want him to turn to her out of guilt?


It had to be with love, given freely.

A/n :-

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