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They were strolled along the Pearl Beach in the twilight

Man, woman and child.

Divya let herself pretend they were a family.

It really didn't matter what she thinks as long as Vihaan and Drishti are not aware of it

It was their first night here.

First of the nine nights they would spend in this beautiful place with none to intrude

Only the three of them.

This was her family. Her baby, her love.

After these holidays... No. She wouldn't think about what will happen after the holidays

She would live in the moment

Treasure every moment with the two most important people in her life

The only two people who mattered to her

It was a wonderful island with a small community of people living even though it's a private island

Vihaan had stocked up the kitchen of the house they will be staying, but decided not to cook as they are too tired after the travel. So they had eaten at a diner nearby

"I had bought the place to build a resort. But somehow the place grew on me and I couldn't change anything in here. I felt a certain connection to this place" Vihaan said conversationally

"That's great. The people here respect you very much"

"Oh!! They were very wary in the beginning. The old Khoda family who owned the island decided to sell and I bought it. People were worried it would destroy their livelihood. But once I stepped down here, I realised I wanted this place to stay like this. That I could use this place as a holiday retreat" Vihaan said

The walk back to the house was Drishti's decision

Divya had no doubt it was a part of her daughter's matchmaking plots

Drishti skipped ahead of them dancing around, still very much a child, perhaps enjoying the fact that her parents were following her, watching her antics, caring about her.

But Divya couldn't let this get into her head

She can't let Vihaan believe she is a part of whatever Drishti is plotting and risk losing any chance she have at being a part of her child's life

She had to put her guards up

He was walking beside her, like they did years ago. The sand beneath their feet. The splash of waves slapping on the shore. The breeze flicking their hair

It's all too easy to be sucked into the memories and wish it could happen all over again

No!! She couldn't let that happen

She has too much to loss

"Look at the stars. There are so many" Drishti said in awe looking at the sky

"No pollution dimming our view" Vihaan said

"You are so unromantic Uncle"

"Simple truth"

Drishti huffed her exasperation.

None of her matchmaking efforts had worked so far.

Divya found them intensely embarrassing and Vihaan pretended he didn't notice the hints and manoeuvrings.

"We're almost home" Drishti pointed out.

"So we are" Vihaan agreed dryly.

"I think I will go straight to bed. I'm very tired" Drishti said

"Yeah. Bed sound very good" Vihaan said

Drishti turned around with her hands on her hips

"No. Not for you Uncle. It's too early for you"

"I'm not allowed to be tired??" Vihaan asked in mock horror

"You always say you need to wind down before getting to bed" Drishti reminded him

"Yeah. I do. But it's different today"

"Not really. It would be good if you have a... What's that you call?? Yeah!! A nightcap before going to bed"

Vihaan hummed in a non committal way

"Those Irish coffee you like very much. You could have that uncle. You could take it out to the veranda and watch the stars and listen to the sea" Drishti said enthusiastically

"Ah! That sounds very relaxing" Vihaan played along

"I know right!! And Diya could relax with you. She has been busy too, getting all those flowers organised before coming with us." She said

Then she turned to Divya

"You would like this Irish coffee Diya"

Not a question.

This was pure and simple manipulation.

Divya could see the laughter in Vihaan's eyes when he turned to her

"How about a nightcap on the veranda Divya, counting the stars and being lulled by the sea until we are ready to fall asleep" Vihaan asked dramatically

The light tone made it sound harmless.

Why not?

She could indulge in her private pretence a little while longer.

"I'd enjoy that" she answered, smiling to show she understood there was nothing personal in it on his part.

"That's settled then" Drishti said triumphantly

She literally skipped towards the house apparently re-energized

There was no sign of being so tired she had to go to bed


Happy Diwali guys

Sorry it's a very short chapter 😒

Will make next one better

And I don't know whether there are private islands in India... I'm making one anyway🤪

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Love you guys

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