Johnny - Cuddles

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Genre - Fluff, Slight angst
Description - Johnny has been away, visiting his family in Chicago, Yuta is back at the dorms with the rest of the 127 members, he misses him a lot
Extra - In this all the members live on the same floor

Yuta was sitting on the couch in the middle of Doyoung and Jaehyun, staring at the front door waiting for it to open.

The other members walked into the living room and sat on the couch. "Should we watch a movie?" Taeil asked everyone. "We should watch Parasite" Haechan suggested. They all agreed, well, all but Yuta, he wasn't really paying attention.

Jaehyun noticed Yuta's lack in concentration on the conversation and leant over to whisper to him, "You should watch before the others notice and start bugging you with questions" That caught Yuta's attention and looked at Jaehyun, he quickly nodded and tried to watch the movie.

He cuddled up to Doyoung with a blanket over him I miss Johnny he thought to himself. The bed was cold at night without Johnny. Yuta often cried when all the members were asleep, he just really missed Johnny. He wanted him to come back..

Yuta couldn't concentrate, his mind always ended up wondering if Johnny was okay and if he missed him just as much.

Yuta sighed and stood up, catching everyone's attention, "I'm going to my room" he mumbled. Not waiting for a response, he left and went to his and Johnny's shared room.

He was acting like Johnny was never coming back, But what if he isn't.. the negative thoughts starting coming back to Yuta's mind. He noticed the photobook that him and Johnny decorated together.

He picked it up and starting going through the photos, they were polaroids of him and Johnny, he smiled while seeing their past memories together, tears slipping from his eyes. Johnny never even told me when he's coming.. what if he's actually left me for good..

Panic started rising in Yuta's body and tears fell faster, sobs coming from his mouth, he put his hands over his mouth so noise would come out so the other members didn't notice. Yes, he could just text Johnny so he would be reassured but the younger didn't want to bother his boyfriend, he was visiting his family and Yuta bothering him would be the last thing he'd want.

Trying to hide his sobs didn't work as Mark rushed into his room. "Yuta hyung?" Mark called out when he saw Yuta's back towards him, shaking up and down.

"Hyung..?" Mark said once again, walking towards the older. Mark crouched down infront of Yuta and took his hands in his.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" the younger asked, worried about his hyung. "N-not-hing" Yuta managed to get out. Anyone with the ability to see or/and hear could tell Yuta was anything but fine.

"Hyung, what's wrong?" Mark repeated, "Do you want me to called Johnny Hyung?" Mark asked "No!" Yuta said a bit too loud. "Hyung, please don't raise your voice at me." Mark said, still calm.

"I'm sorry.." Yuta hiccuped. "Now, why don't you want me to call Johnny, hm?" Mark asked. Yuta didn't respond. Mark reached up to wipe the tears off the elders face.

"Yuta.." Mark started "I'll have to call the others in and you don't want that do you?" Yuta shook his head at Mark's words. "I don't wa-nt t-o bo-the-r him.. h-he m-mi-gh-t not come b-ack as it is.." Yuta said, tears started falling again.

"You really think that?" Mark asked, generally surprised, Yuta nodded, the younger infront him sighed, "Hyung go to sleep, yeah? Just for a little bit, I can promise you Johnny will be here before you know it" Mark smiled at his beloved hyung, he nodded and laid in his bed and attempted to sleep.

Mark left the room and headed to the living room. "He isn't doing good, he really misses Johnny hyung, maybe we should call him.." Mark suggested. "Go on then, I've also noticed his lack of energy lately too.."
Taeil said. Mark nodded.

Mark went into the kitchen and called Johnny "Hey Mark!" Johnny said over there phone "I just landed in Korea, I'll be there in like 30 minutes" Johnny continued. "Hyung, you have to be fast.." Mark said, "Why? Is my baby okay? Is it Yuta? what's wrong with Yuta?" You could tell Johnny was worried, he loved Yuta so much and hated seeing him so upset.

"Hyung, just come as fast as you can" Mark said, too lazy to explain the situation. "Alright see you in 10"

Time skip thing

As Johnny returned, he quickly opened the door, greeted everyone and instantly ran to his and Yuta's shared room.

When Johnny open the door, he saw his boyfriends tear stained face, cuddled up into the blanket over him. Johnny's heart broke at the site of Yuta's tears on his face.

He slowly walked to the bed and shook Yuta to wake him up, "Baby... wake up" he whispered. Yuta grounded as the person kept shaking him, "Go away.. 'm sleeping till Johnny gets back.." he muttered.

Johnny smiled at that, "I'm here though, baby, you're still going to sleep?" that caught Yuta's attention, he quickly opened his eyes and sat up seeing his beloved Johnny.

"Johnny!" Yuta cried out, once again tears falling from his face. He wrapped his arms around the elders neck and hugged him tights almost like it was to make sure he'd never leave again.

"Hey, baby, I heard you weren't doing to good, hm, is that true?" Johnny asked in a soothing voice, Yuta shook his head hoping Johnny would believe him. "Baby... I'll ask you again, I heard you weren't doing to good, is it true?" This time spoken a bit more stern.

Yuta pouted and nodded, "Jus' missed you hyungie" Johnny smiled at this, he thought it was the cutest thing ever, "Why were you getting so worked up over it?" Johnny asked, still quite amused by the pouting boy sitting on the bed infront of him.

"Thought hyung wouldn't come back" he said, still continuing to pout. "And why would you think that, if I wasn't planning on coming back, I would've took you with me, yeah? Understand that for me?" Yuta nodded at the elders words.

Johnny smiled, stood up and ruffled the youngest hair up, which caused Yuta to attempt to look mad, but it was just plain adorable.

Johnny left the room to take his shoes and coat off as he rushed in to check on Yuta. Let's just say, Yuta wasn't happy about that.

He slammed the door open, making everyone jump and causing their attention to advert on Yuta. He stormed over to Johnny, luckily for Johnny he just quickly slipped his shoes off and was half taking his coat off.

He quickly did it while Yuta was storming over to him,
"Baby?" he questioned at the mad looking Yuta. The younger took the elders hand and took him to the bed room.

"Lie on the bed" Yuta demanded, Johnny smirked "Kinky" he muttered, luckily Yuta didn't hear it as that probably would've pissed him off more. Johnny did as he was told and then Yuta laid next to him.

Johnny laughed "Baby if you just wanted to cuddle you should just said" Yuta huffed cuddling up to Johnny's side even more trying to get warm.

"I missed you" He muttered "Like a lot lot lot" Johnny caressed Yuta's hair and said "I missed you so much too, baby, I knew I should've took you with me"

"No it's okay! You went to see your family" he looked up and smiled at the american.  "But you're my family too" Johnny said smirking at Yuta, knowing he didn't like cheesy stuff like that.

The Japanese whacked the Americans chest, "Don't say stuff like that!" Johnny laughed as Yuta turned away.

Johnny ended up spooning him, muttering a small "I love you" before they both drifted off to sleep.
Word count: 1355

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