Team Free Will

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John Winchester pulled the guys in for a hug after they pulled away from Mary. Dean was still in a state of shock.

"So, what's going on?" Sam asked rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

As Rowena began talking each person sitting around the tables began standing.

"Castiel came to me a while ago asking if we could work on anything that would help us gain at least a chance at this war." she explained. "This," she motioned towards the crowd of people. "This is the best I could come up with."

"You say that almost like you're sorry you couldn't have done more?" Dean said still in awe.

"Dean's right, Rowena. This...the best that you could have the best anyone could have done. This is...there are no words." Sam stated.

With the brother's both still in a state of shock and still trying to wrap their minds around the people standing in front of them, Castiel continued Rowena's explanation.

"With the obvious state of the world, we need help. Help that is was no longer here. Trying every possibility that I could think of, I failed. My last idea was to go to Rowena and ask if she had any ideas and if she'd be willing to lend a hand. As you can see, she did more than just that." he said looking out across the people.

Dean and Sam stood there taking the scene in. In front of them stood, along with their parents, Bobby Singer and a young woman with dark hair. Pamela Barnes. Ellen and Jo Harvelle, with Ash standing next to them. Adam Milligan; their youngest brother who share the same father. Kevin Tran with Charlie Bradbury standing beside him. Benny Sutton; Dean's vampire friend from Purgatory. Jody Mills with Claire Novak, Alex Jones, Kaia Nieves, Patience Turner, and Donna Hanscum standing around her. And off to the left was Crowley and Garth Fitzgerald.

Catching Dean's surprised look Crowley shrugged, smiled, and said,

"Hello, boys."

Dean was the first to speak up.

"So..." he said rubbing the back of his neck. Is this weird for any of you? Because it is for me."

Sam chuckled, cleared his throat to speak but was stopped by Castiel stepping forward.

"This isn't all of them. There is a couple more that Billie is rounding up for me."

As if on cue the door to the warehouse opened showing the shadows of multiple people walking in with the bright sunlight shinning behind them. When the door closed blocking the sunlight they were able to be seen clearly. Following Billie was Gabriel, Anna, Lily Sunder, Hannah, Balthazar, and Naomi.

Sam's eyes were wide in shock and confusion.

"I don't understand."

Rowena smiled. "Chuck stated that no army on Earth would be able to stop him from ending our existence." She motioned proudly towards the people standing in the room. "This isn't just any army. This is our army. An army from Heaven, Hell, and Earth. A team of three unlikely places coming together. A team of free will."

Dead looked to Naomi and said,

"Excuse me for the confusion but weren't you working on Chuck's side?"

Castiel spoke up to explain. "She, along with one or two others, made it known that they were interested by making themselves known to Rowena. They came to us. Just like any of us standing here, they don't want our existence to end."

"Ok, I understand why. But this still doesn't explain how." Sam stated.

Castiel stepped back and looked to Rowena who stepped closer to the boys. With a smile, she placed her hands on each of the brothers' arms and looked up at them.

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